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Old 02-09-2013, 10:04 PM   #1
Join Date: Mar 2010
Default [Magic] Enchanter Wages

Originally Posted by ErhnamDJ View Post
Thinking about this, I think it makes the most sense to make enchanters Multimillionaire 2 and to multiply the prices of all the magic items by two thousand. Then that flying motorcycle costs eighty million dollars instead of forty thousand. Then Crassus can still afford it, but not every knight on the planet has a barn full of the things.
Interesting idea. It runs into a few problems, though.

We want PCs able to afford magic items. We don't necessarily want the PCs to become enchanters for its' money-making utility and we don't necessarily want the PCs to simply sell off a found magic item and retire.

So there is a ceiling there. It is gamist and not simulationist, which means I'm liking the idea even more.

Setting-specific assumptions go! Your assumptions may differ. Adjust as appropriate.

"Enchanter" is a job.

An "enchanter" is roughly "a wealthy merchant", and so should probably be {Status 2} and {Wealthy}. Assuming a TL 4 setting, that means its' monthly income should be G$4,000.

Slow & Sure Enchantment gives one-energy/mage-day. I'll stick with the idea that the work about 22 days a month and so one energy should cost G$190.
(4000 monthly income / 22 work days in a month / 95.37%, rounded down for the sake of others being into pentas)

Quick & Dirty Enchantment, one energy should cost G$5.
((4000 monthly income / 22 work days in a month) * 6 enchanters in a circle / 95.37% / 264 energy per day, rounded up for the sake of others being all into pentas)


A magic item that casts Earth to Stone costs 300 energy. 300 Energy is greater than the Q&D threshold, and so costs G$190 per energy. G$57k. At the published prices, G$9.9k.

A magic item that casts Communication costs 800 energy and is usable only by mages. Way over the Q&D threshold, and so costs a total of G$152k. At the published prices, G$26.4k.


Now for the "is this fun?" test: Can a PC afford one?

DF states that nobody 'filthy rich' would raid dungeons. So the PC is Very Wealthy.

Very Wealthy, Status 2, Monthly Income G$16k, CoL G$3k. Discretionary, G$13k. Assuming they sit back and don't adventure ... it'll take them roughly five months to afford the Earth to Stone item and roughly a year to afford the Communication item.

Selling it, assuming they get 40% of what it cost to buy ... the Earth to Stone item being sold for roughly one months income and the Communication item being sold for roughly four months income.

Seems reasonably affordable to me.

Whatcha think?
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