Thread: Staff and IQ
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Old 02-09-2020, 09:54 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: Staff and IQ

Interesting RAW question.

It looks to me like it's up to the GM's reading of the rules (or as always, their ruling of how they want it to work in their game).

The only thing that looks literally explicit is the limit on increasing the mana stat using XP, which does say, "By spending 200 XP, the wizard may add 1 to the mana of the staff, up to a limit equal to the wizard’s current IQ stat".

The main questions though would be whether you can use the staff mana, or the arcane attacks, if your IQ's temporarily too low for the spell. As I find the whole thing rather a parade of new abilities, (and because it seems interesting and fun to me, and Confusion on a wizard tends to be a rare thing to pull off anyway) I'd tend to want to rule that they all don't work if your IQ falls lower than the spell level for them.
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