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Old 01-05-2019, 09:41 AM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2016
Location: Italy, Rome
Default DF metal conductor for lightning spells

ehy guys, i need help to balance an advantage or a perk for one of my player, a wizard (standard magic), who is specialized into lightning spells. He wishes to use conductors (like weapons, for example, or bars, something not too tiny, nor big) to create some combos with his spells.

I thought something funny and usefull, but i wish to know your thoughts about it. Could be a perk, could be an advantage.

Master of Lightnings: Based on the numbers of conductors used, the lightning becomes unpredictable and easier to hit with.
For every conductor he uses, he can ignore one level of distance from the distance table, and imposes a penalty of 1 to the dodge defense.

Now, it should have a limit of course. I wish to base this limit with the skill of the spell he uses, something like 1 conductor if he knows the spell at 15, and 1 additional for every two points above 15. So, if he knows the spell at 19, he can uses 3 conductors, for a -3 on dodge and reducing the penalty from the distance by 3 levels.

I think is balanced if works for one spell. In this case he has to buy this perk for every spell he wishes to use in this way.
Or maybe a lesser effect, but for every "electrical" spells he knows.

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