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Old 10-26-2021, 10:10 AM   #14
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Boston area
Default Re: Staff Countermeasures

Henry has a point that Fire is being used in a way that's not obviously kosher with RAW. Things like lighting a torch are surely easier than lighting a held staff in battle. So, there are a few issues to settle.

(1) A torch is made to stay lit and a staff isn't. It doesn't naturally burn as easily as an enemy's beard either. I don't see that as relevant. Fire lasts for twelve turns and can be cast on anything, flammable or not (how many labyrinth floors are flammable). In that time, the staff would surely catch fire.

(2) A staff in the middle of battle is an unusual target. So is an enemy's beard. You could, if you wished, attach an additional difficulty to casting the spell in this way, but I wouldn't. I'd allow it.

I don't see any other issues. Besides, it's good to encourage cleverness. It's also nice to find a way to defang powerful wizards, so long as you can sidle up next to them (the specialized uses of fire have a one-hex range).
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