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Old 09-23-2009, 07:21 AM   #28
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Default Re: Fat... where did the extra encumbrance go?

Originally Posted by The Benj View Post
Even being "evenly distributed" doesn't stop the fact that you're carrying more mass than your strength can properly support, although uneven distribution would be even worse, that's a different issue.

It's not an issue of size, but of maneuverability. You are less able to quickly get out of the way of things, just as if you were wearing thigh weights, wrists weights and a lead belt.
Someone with 300lbs of muscle can move that weight, because they're using 300lbs of muscle to do it. Fat doesn't make the same contribution to doing that, it just hangs there.
You seem to be missing the fact that someone who is fat carries that weight all day long. They naturally must have a great deal of lower body strength in order to do so. Underneath all that fat there is, literally, the musculature of a body builder. Leg muscles and back muscles can't tell the difference between someone being 300 pounds of muscle and being 300 pounds of fat; the muscles simply get bigger to carry that weight around. (interestingly, this means that many body builders suffer from the same lower back and knee problems that obese people do)

That's not to discount that some people who are obese are also extremely unfit and barely capable of carrying themselves around, but that is far from universally true. Many people who are obese are relatively fit and strong.
Eric B. Smith GURPS Data File Coordinator
I shall pull the pin from this healing grenade and...

Last edited by ericbsmith; 09-23-2009 at 07:29 AM.
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