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Old 10-16-2011, 09:29 AM   #56
Join Date: May 2005
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Default Re: 'Imperial Culture' (non-canonista)

This delves yet further into very MTU customizations, but anyway:


There are a variety of special titles in the Imperium, and they are associated with special jobs the Emperor assigns to select individuals. Some of these titles may only be possessed by one sophont at a time, while others may be assigned to multiple sophonts at the same time.

The main Imperial Special Titles are Ambassador of the Empire, Grand Admiral, Imperial Champion, Special Imperial Advisor, Strategist of the Empire, and Viceroy.

Ambassador of the Empire: A title granted to the Imperium’s greatest diplomats, whether those born of natural events and circumstances who have come to the job by whatever path life has led them through, or to those who have risen up through the ranks of the MoS. Specifically, they are granted override power to conduct negotiations with foreign nations and Member Worlds, power over and above those of any other Imperial Noble. They may negotiate and sign treaties for the Imperium in the Emperor's name.

Grand Admiral: See Imperial Navy, Ranks, Grand Admiral. While a Grand Admiral does carry Imperial Authority, and technically outranks a Viceroy, the directive and mandate of a Grand Admiral is to lead the Navy, not waste time on regular governance issues. They are granted superiority to Viceroys only because Grand Admirals are frequently created to deal with military situations that have become a problem in the Imperium at large, and they need the authority to cut through any possible barrier short of an Imperial Warrant bearer. There may be as many Grand Admirals as the Emperor chooses to appoint, though in practice there has never been more than one per Domain, and there have been periods in Imperial history when no Grand Admirals were appointed anywhere.

Imperial Champion: On occasion, an individual sophont is of such value of service to the Emperor personally that they are granted this title. It is typically granted to a military or combat specialist who is also a close friend of the Emperor. The Champion is an automatic bearer of a Named Imperial Warrant, and frequently functions as the Emperor’s force majeure to help solve problems and otherwise knock down roadblocks to Imperial Governance. Tradition holds that there is only one Champion extant at any one time. This Special Title is never given for life, and each recipient knows that it may be removed (and possibly given to another) at any time. It is often granted for specific periods from the beginning. Any time spent appointed as Imperial Champion is considered a high honor. The position comes with a 10 MCr per year stipend from the Emperor, an automatic Knighthood in the Order of the Champions (the most exclusive Order of Knights in the Imperium, as only the Emperor and Imperial Champions are admitted), a land grant on Capital/Core, one thousand shares in the Imperial Family holding company, a permanent residence and permanent office in the Imperial Palace (both of which outlast the appointment as Champion), and on-demand access to the Emperor’s presence. The use of this title has effectively replaced the use of Viceroy, although both remain rare.

Special Imperial Advisor: Beyond the Imperial Advisory Council, and the heads of the various Ministries, there are many who surround the Emperor who possess valuable opinions and thoughts, usually friends of the Emperor or those found otherwise indispensable. These individuals, those the Emperor chooses to listen to on a regular basis, are appointed as Special Imperial Advisors. There is an automatic grant of Count rank (Service) that goes with the Title, as well as high priority access to the Imperial Palace and the Emperor. There is an automatic stipend of 1 MCr per year from the Emperor.

Strategist of the Empire: This position has been, historically, filled by the Emperor’s most trusted confidant on the subject of grand military strategy. The Strategist of the Empire meets with the Emperor daily at the morning security briefing, and at least once a week individually, to discuss the current position and status of the Imperium’s military forces. The Strategist of the Empire has a personal office and staff located directly in the Imperial Palace, plus ancillary staff and offices located in the Imperial Naval Operations Command Center. In many cases, the Emperor has treated the Strategist of the Empire as an informal Deputy Supreme Commander of the military forces of the Imperium, making it a highly sought after position. The minimum Noble rank is Count. The title grants automatic Knighthoods in the Order of the Crown and Stars and the Order of Sylea, grants land on Ion/Core and Capital/Core, comes with a 10 MCr per year stipend, and carries the right of on-demand access to the Emperor’s presence.

Viceroy: When the Emperor wishes to designate an individual as having Imperial Authority, that individual is granted this title. This special title is the oldest, dating from the time of Artemsus I. Its quality of Imperial Authority is technically less than that of a Grand Admiral or an individual possessing an Imperial Warrant, but as the title of Grand Admiral is clearly an established part of the military, and an Imperial Warrant is bearer-presentable and therefore an element unknowable to the public in advance, it can be advantageous to grant Imperial Authority directly via a publicly announced and obviously non-transferable title. Since the end of the Imperial Civil War, the title has been out of vogue, used only three times in five centuries. When it was appointed, it almost always came with regional restrictions in order to help prevent the possibility of rebellion.
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