Thread: fantasy races
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Old 05-29-2009, 12:18 AM   #39
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: NYC
Default Re: fantasy races

There's the Hradrani from David Webber's Oath of Swords Universe. Very large humanoids with furry fox ears, the Horse Stealers regularly top seven feet. They have unnatural endurance, stamina, and strength (hooked into the magical feild, but they can't cast spells) to the point where, on foot, they can keep pace with men on horses. The Horse Stealers are so tall because they spent generations chasing down and eating horses. (There's a reason why).

However, the males are all berserkers. Though recently, if they summon 'the Rage' they can control it and it makes them calm and focused deadly.

I'm personally cooking up some non-anthropomorphic spiderfolk, and am thinking about doing a presentient ant species based upon SimAnt. (Hive mind, instant reincarnation?)

Hmm, if you're willing, there's a wealth of nonhumans in Sci Fi, which can't take their cues from fantasy. Off the top of my head from James White I recall Huldars, which are huge, vacuum adapted, six legged and no mouthed creatures. And this three legged nonflying bird/stork creature with a frightening dexterous beak...
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