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Old 04-21-2021, 07:09 AM   #65
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Create Food and it's effect on infrastructure

Originally Posted by kirbwarrior View Post
I'd definitely do it by the latter. Things get incredibly convoluted and just annoying for everyone involved if I do it 'scientifically'. Plus, that would entirely undermine the idea since most people want to eat more than one 'basic' meal every three days. That's neat to know about RPM, though.
Yeah, just set roughly when in the eating+digesting process the food stops being "magically conjured food" and starts being "part of the consumer." In theory, if you do this early enough, there's the possibility of some culture doing things more bird/wolf-style - gorge on magically conjured food, wait until it passes the threshold, vomit it up, and repeat until you've got enough partially-digested food slurry to feed a lot of people. You then process the slurry into something more palatable and there you go. This is pretty disgusting, but might fit certain narratives. It's roughly comparable to an idea I had a while back, where the setting's equivalent of Create Food simply gave nutritional and caloric value to existing matter and made it edible, but did nothing for the taste and texture. One of the countries was a barren land that had high goldmine productivity (gold being necessary for magic - essentially gold's luster served the role of mana, and casting turned it into a dull gray metal that otherwise had all the physical properties of gold), and it largely fed its people dirt and mud that had been magically enhanced into food (the higher ups imported proper food from elsewhere).

Originally Posted by dcarson View Post
If you are using RPM making 30 pounds of food is only a +1 energy. So create enough for three of you and then let someone else create the next day etc. and back to you on day four.
I mean, if using RPM, there's no limit to how many times you can create food (outside of the time required to gather energy, anyway). It's just that you need to create it with a Duration of 3 days or more. You could easily just do the ritual 3 times a day (for each of breakfast, lunch, and dinner), and so long it had a Duration of 3 days or longer, you'd be fine. Of course, you'd be feeding multiple people with each casting, as IIRC you can create up to 10 pounds without needing to feed any more energy into the ritual.
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