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Old 07-23-2013, 11:46 AM   #134
Join Date: Jan 2016

I have an idea for a game where Fantasy Is reality and takes place 500,000 years in the future. system is gurps 4e

Imagine the world Solaria,as earth. everything earth had, solaria has. Governments, people groups, history, Religion, everything. but now throw in all the fantasy lore you could think of....

The year is 502,013 A.D. the Order of the Paladins is barely hanging on to control of the gang wars in Bradenhall. Bradenhall a massive city state is on the brink of Civil War. West Bradenhall is against East Bradenhall and their embrace of the gangs. All out war has taken place in the middle of the city state in a place called "The Dirt". This is a mile wide 500 mile long trench of destruction. But something is about happen, that is from Solaria's past that will rock the very foundations of the world. Will the Paladin order be able to stand against this old darkness? or will the World of Solaria sink into oblivion. Somethings should have never been forgotten...

Players will play Paladins. Not as in the sense of like WoW paladins but almost like judges in Judge Dredd. They are high powered, highly trained cops that really almost answer to no one. A lot of people do not like the paladin order. Players can be any race from Fantasy or Dungeon Fantasy, IF it would make sense that the race survived that long. For example, wildman race is out, They would not have made it into the tech age. Players will be 500 point characters. They are expected to be Paladins and have extensive training. So highly skilled. Players can be cyborgs, have cybernetics, anything from High tech to TL 12 is allowed and I mean anything.

So what do you all think?
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