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Old 09-14-2017, 10:17 AM   #37
evileeyore's Avatar
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Default Re: Altered time rate /Great Haste question.

Originally Posted by lachimba View Post
Great Haste costs one point.
That's generally not accurate.

Ignoring the Perk, Charm... Great Haste costs 57 points to get to, Haste prereq [1pt], Magery 1 prereq [15], IQ 12+ prereq [minimum 40], and the spell itself [1pt]. It also costs 5 magical FP and 5 endurance* FP (the first up front, the later as a backend cost if cast on another).

Now, I will grant you that in general most Characters will mitigate those point costs by wanting to be mages... but.. not all Fantasy Speedsters want to be mages. In which they either swallow 57 points to have Great Haste castable at skill level 9 (or spend even more points to get to a 'reasonable' skill level, [19] more to get to a 15 skill), or they take the Perk and have a really terrible casting skill (which is 'cheaper' to buy up than buying all the prereqs).

Great Haste Charm (Perk) would cost an IQ 10 non-mage Character 29 points to have at a 15 (Great Haste skill 15 [28], Charm Perk (Great Haste) [1]). If purchased to skill level 35 (which reduces the FP cost by 5) it would cost this Character another 40 points, for a total of 69 character points.

Sounds reasonable to me.

* I've always run it as 'endurance' FP, which may not be accurate.
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