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Old 10-03-2007, 04:22 PM   #75
Join Date: Jan 2007
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

I ran a pulp game in which one of the characters was Doc Rocket, The World's First Superhero, who, with his trusty jetpack and raygun, had been adventuring since about 1865 and was 70 when the game started. He was prone to telling rambling-old-geezer stories about his adventures, often in a sort of background monologue while the other characters were doing something entirely unrelated. The player was good at nonsensical improvisation of adventures. At some point the other characters were occupied, and the Doc was rambling, and he said

"And then there was the time I had to wrestle a hippo! You know how to wrestle a hippo, don't you?"

Well, naturally, nobody did, but it was interesting, so we all stopped what we were doing and turned to face the player. I genuinely think he hadn't had anything planned to follow up the first line, but he improvised, without missing a beat:

"You grab him by the ears... and you flip him!"

Beautiful, and in the ensuing decade or so it has become a catchphrase in my group.

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