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Old 12-15-2020, 06:01 PM   #30
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Default Re: [Vehicles] How big should a self-destruct be?

By the by, does anyone know offhand how much conventional explosive is used in a typical A-bomb, to compress the fissionables to criticality?

Also, while I'm thinking about it, how about how much gamma-emitting metastable isomer do you need to have before throwing in some tritium or other fusables would start adding to the explosive force?

I've found a lot of articles online about 'hafnium bombs', but none seem to have quite enough detail to convert into GURPS terms. And I'd like to have a better what sort of proliferation risks I'm introducing into the setting's background by adding isomer-based explosives. (There are already other new and fascinating forms of WMDs, but it's still a detail worth having an explanation handy for, in case it comes up, plot-wise.)
Thank you for your time,
"Then again, maybe I'm wrong."
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