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Old 04-21-2021, 08:13 AM   #117
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Default Re: Show me the magic!

Originally Posted by Kieddicus View Post
IQ 8 - Brand (T)

Place a magical brand on an item or person. The only thing the brand does is signify that you cast it. Not useful for most mages, but those who want to sign their magical work might find some use. And any ruler who wants to make sure their currency can't be counterfeited will sure hire a few mages to brand the minting of their money. ST cost: 1
Very similar to one of my own campaign spells...

IQ 8 - Imprint/Attune (S)

The wizard applies his personal energy signature on an object. An imprinted object cannot be counterfeited by another wizard and can always be located by the casting wizard which makes them an ideal tool for scrying or tracking. Normally, this is a temporary effect and the duration will depend on the amount of ST spent. 1 ST will last an hour, 3 ST a day and 5 ST a week.

There is also a ritual version of the spell which can be used to make the 'imprint' permanent. This 'ritual of attunement' takes 3 hours and costs 10 ST which must come from the wizard himself (this is a prerequisite for creating magic items that can only be used by the wizard).
“No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.” -Vladimir Taltos
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