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Old 10-19-2013, 05:14 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2011
Default Recovery from Alien Invasion

Heya fellow GURPSateers,

Context: I am looking to re-start an older game of GURPS that i was running about a year ago. In this Game the players played a group of special forces soldiers during an alien invasion. The aliens that were invading earth hold the belief that life is more sacred than free will and will invade and enslave sentient races who they believe will either destroy themselves or that are causing irreparable damage to their planet, as such when they invade planets they try to cause minimal planetary damage. So the invasion broke down into two main steps, first EMP weapons were deployed against the most technologically advance areas of the planet, second ground forces were sent in to strike military targets and begin population control. Not important to the question but worth mentioning for context, the entire invasion fleet is robotic.

I would like to move the story line forward once the aliens are defeated. which raises the following

1. How long would it take for the world to recover from what is essentially a planet wide EMP?
2. What would be the death toll around the world from such an EMP in the months that followed?
3. How quickly could a modern air force recover from such an EMP in order to get planes back in the air?

Thanks in advance!
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