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Old 03-20-2016, 02:37 PM   #2
Andrew Hackard
Munchkin Line Editor
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Default Re: Star Munchkin: complicated situation

Two quick forum rule notes:

1) Please only post one question (or a set of VERY closely related questions) in a thread. It helps us find them later if we need to refer to discussions about prior rulings.

2) Steve has asked that people not quote card text on the forums.

Originally Posted by Ymar View Post
I found some powerful combo in this game, but I'm not sure if it's actually working the way i think.
It requires 4 cards: Paradox In A Box, Plot Device, Pink Stamps and Trader.

When it's another players turn and he found a monster when he opened a door, I play Paradox In A Box and it's my turn now and I fight this monster. Paradox In A Box goes on the bottom of the discards. After the fight I use the Plot Device to get Paradox in A Box back, I discard Plot Device. I use Pink Stamps to get Plot Device back and then I use Trading ability and discard any item to get Pink Stamps back to my hand.

Aaand this way I am playing till I have items to get rid off (which I can get by winning fights) or till somebody stops me with Time Wrap.

Is it correct?
This combo breaks down if someone interrupts the chain by playing a Treasure on top of Plot Device or Pink Stamps, or (as you note) by using Time Warp. It also doesn't work if people don't find monsters when they Kick Open The Door.

You also have to question whether you want to make yourself as big a target as repeated use of this combo would warrant -- because if someone were doing this to me over and over, they would be eating every single Trap card I could find.
Andrew Hackard, Munchkin Line Editor
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