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Old 05-22-2020, 07:57 AM   #67
Join Date: Sep 2018
Default Re: Show me the magic!

Our IQ 11 Spells:

Bone Weld (T): Will rejoin breaks in bones or fuse bones in any position. Can be cast over composite bone constructions. These are then considered “whole” skeletons suitable for animation or the Zombie spell. Costs 1 ST for a simple break or 5 ST for a whole skeleton

Control Plant (T): There are certain plants that have what amounts to a will of their own. Perhaps this is not “will” in the way of animal life, but whether it is instinct or reflexes or magic, these plants react in provocation of some stimuli. They move, they make noise, they attack, they react in some fashion in relation to their environment. This spell puts any one such plant under the wizard’s control as long as spell is maintained. Works only on real plants; if the target was actually an illusion or image, it vanishes when the spell strikes. A controlled plant will follow all orders that it is capable of following. If the plant can move or secrete poison or shoot out a vine to grab prey, then those actions are now under the wizard’s control, but if a plant cannot move, then this spell will not give it the ability to do so. Plants have no IQ as we understand it, so unless the specific plant the wizard aims to control is listed in the Plant Compendium as resistant to this spell then the spell works on the plant. Cost: 2 ST, plus 1 per turn maintained.

Healing (T) :For each 5 points of ST that the wizard puts into this spell, he/she can cure one hit of damage on himself or another. Heal will also restore lost fatigue from spellcasting, etc., but rarely is it practical to use it this way. Heal will cure HT already lost to disease and poison, but it will not cure the disease nor make the poison go away. It is possible to place healing magic into an artifact (Healing Stones), but such things are rare and costly and work no better than a mage with the Healing Spell and a Strength Battery or a corps of apprentices. Healing scrolls, on the other hand, are common. As with other scrolls, the magic comes from the scroll and the strength comes from the caster. *C*

Megahex Blur (T): Like Blur spell, but covering a megahex (the casting distance from the wizard is calculated based on the closest hex of the desired megahex of affected area). Any wizard who has this spell has the ability to cast the spell on any portion of connected hexes that would be inside of a single megahex. Cost: 2 ST to cast, plus 1 each turn it is maintained. Wizards who know this spell also know the Blur spell (so if only one hex need be blurred, using the less powerful spell is less ST cost). *C*

Summon Secundus (C): Brings a strong animal ally who will follow the wizard’s orders. See Summoned Creatures. The strong animal ally can be no more powerful than a bear (ST 30, DX 11, IQ 6, MA 8, bite does 2d+2 damage, fur stops 2 hits). Animal may not be magical and may not use weapons. Stats for ST, DX, and IQ combined should be no more than 47 with DX at a maximum of 12 and IQ at a minimum of 6. Creature summoned must be bear size or smaller and may NOT be a flying creature. Any damage inflicted in a single attack should be no more than 2d + 2 and protection from fur or scales or similar natural defenses can stop no more than 2 hits. Costs 4 ST to cast, plus 1 each turn the creature remains. COMMENTS: THIS SPELL REPLACES THE SUMMON BEAR SPELL. Summon Primus is a prerequisite for this spell. The intention is not to allow something stronger or more deadly than a bear. If the wizard wants to bring in an animal that is higher in DX and not quite as strong, that is acceptable, but the DX is capped at 12 (two points below the weaker wolf ally) so that the animal will not be super-deadly and impossible to kill. The particular animal summoned needs to be discussed and approved by the GM prior to play if there is no animal with given stats that is similar in the rules as written to the creature that the player wishes to summon.
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