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Old 02-14-2021, 10:12 AM   #15
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Default Re: TFT Life History Character Generation

Originally Posted by Infornific View Post
Interesting thoughts. I was trying to stick to the rules as written, so a character has to choose between Wizard & Hero which affects Talents which affects the paths that can be taken. I read the distinction between Hero & Wizard to mean that being a Wizard is a matter of intense study, not necessarily an innate gift.
I got the idea of 'broken soul' from HCOBB. I believe his concept was that the Wizard Guild had to break down a character in youth, so that they live both in the physical world and the psychic domain too. From that idea, I decided that there were characters born into that co-existance. A majority of those who became wizards, were regular kids 'broken' by the guild, but a few had an innate gift in a sense.

It's worth noting that technically a Wizard doesn't have to take Aid or Literacy (maybe add Staff) - I just assumed that it would make sense for anyone trained as a Wizard to know these things.
I had suggested this very same idea of Aid and Literacy as a 'default' build for standard wizardry in previous Magic threads, so I agree with you. Just opening up the concept that there are rare circumstances for wizards to go other routes.

The idea of a later path is interesting but you'd need to deal with the increased Talent cost. Possibly some kind of payback rule - eg, the character has to retroactively pay the extra price for non-wizard Talents and thus learn spells at a slower pace.

Alternately, you could come up with an alternative where in return for being restricted to certain paths for learning spells, starting would be wizards could get Talents (prior to Wizard training) at no extra cost. Or the character who enters without the Apprentice step can enter with previous Talents at Hero price but limited in spell choice.
This goes back to the concept that Wizard could also be an innate gift upon character creation. For those rare instances when an innate wizard doesn't know he is a broken soul, he still buys Talents as per wizard class. Maybe he and his parents don't know why he is so backwards in learning things, but it still costs double.
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Last edited by JohnPaulB; 02-15-2021 at 03:15 PM.
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