Thread: '39 _Maxi_
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Old 05-30-2020, 02:10 PM   #11
Join Date: Dec 2007
Default Re: '39 _Maxi_

Originally Posted by swordtart View Post
I think in an ADQ&A someone allowed laser guided rockets in a sidecar to be fired with a laser on the bike as the rockets "were not aimed".
This is a editing failure -- stuff like Smart Links, or LG, were created to get around the problem of "similar weapons in different locations being fired together"; no one ever got around to deleting "obsolete" lines of text.

For ex., one particularly nasty tactic someone tried was: One cycle with a TL tags the target; the horde of rocket-armed bikes following that one all have their rockets tuned to follow the TL on the one bike; so long as the TL-armed bike and the Horde are all in the same arc of the target... can you say "Macross Missile Massacre"?

The idea is: The rockets from the Horde *don't know and don't care* where the TL creating the beam is, so long as the beam is "visible" to the rocket, the rocket can follow it.
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