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Old 01-06-2020, 05:19 AM   #4
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Default Re: [HT] Grenades fuse

Originally Posted by GWJ View Post
Are there any rules for thrown grenades about "how many seconds will pass before it reach the destination"?
That's determined by the length of the fuse.

Or for bouncing after impact?
Scatter rules are in Basic pg 414.

For the most part in GURPS, grenade timing is handwaved to a "it explodes immediately after being thrown/fired", because in real life most people do not act as fast or as precisely as GURPS Characters do.

However, if you're implementing the full OODA loop (some sort of Per and Tactics roll each turn to properly implement a change in action), and your PCs aren't going to be acrobatically flipping away from a 4 second grenade the moment it lands, then I'd go ahead and actually count the passage of turns before a grenade explodes. If not, then I'd handwave away grenade timing. Or have enemies cook off a grenade before throwing it (so on a significant failure the grenade actually goes off in hand or during flight). Launched grenades can have 'split-second' fuses (TL 7+) and just be handwaved even in an OODA loop game.
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