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Old 11-18-2007, 12:49 PM   #8
Fred Brackin
Join Date: Aug 2007
Default Re: How Hard is your Science Fiction?

Originally Posted by Pmandrekar

Instead of arguing with other people's preferences, what I'm hoping to do is let you discuss your own preferences, what it is about your own choices as a GM that energize you about Science Fiction.
The last SF camapign setting, generally known as Gloria Monday" (which I've run twice with different groups) was created in response to a request for "Gurps Firefly". The resulting homage/knock-off was probably harder than Firefly and quite a bit harder than Traveller.

This is not say it was truly hard it's just that the whole suite of rubber science came as the result of a single phenomenon. This was the ability to convert normal matter into short-lived "pseudo particles" through a process somehow related to vacuum fluctuations and higher dimensions.

So power was total conversion rather than fission or fusion and total conversion engines provided thrust without annoying exhaust radiation. A "drive field" of psuedo particles enabled hyperdynamic flight as well as ftl along specified jumplines. There was artificial gravity as well.

Careful manipulation of factors like this in Ve2 let me come up with very cheap starships by most people's standards. They were also fairly small by soem setting's standards. I don't think anyone staring down a Kza'deKenor's broadside would have called it small but it would only have come to 600 Dtons. <shrug> Traveller ships are huge.

That might have been all the rubber science though. I never crunched the math real hard but there were Transhuman Space-like limits of how much heat you could handle and even big ships mounted few energy weapons (all lasers).

Most space weapons were e-mag cannons and missile launchers. Their projectiles were equiped with "sustainer coils" that enabled them to take a piece of the launching ship's drive field with it for about a second. This extended their range by a factor of about a thousand.

Personal weapons were slugthrowers. Either e-mags for the core worlds or caseless ammo for the frontier planets.

The Core Worlds were TL10 and the outer worlds were TLs 8-9 depending on population and how many minifacs they could import.

The Gloria Monday was 45 yrears old and still flying even if the emergency power system only covered 90% of the life support ssytem. :).

It was fun and the tech stuff seemed to work well.

Fred Brackin
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