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Old 06-17-2021, 06:09 AM   #9
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: Intolerance's Pricing System is Weird

Originally Posted by Micah Davis View Post
I don’t know - Intolerance is pretty nasty. The average result of contact is, basically, “Immediately begin plotting hate crimes.”
Maybe in a farcical story full of moustache-twirling and puppy-kicking. More realistically, the average result of contact is going to be sharing jokes (and memes in more modern settings) that have the despised group as the butt (or otherwise cast them in a disparaging light), alongside an airing of perceived grievances against them. You may well have someone suggest it would be a good thing for something negative to happen to the group, but to a similar extent as an average person might wish ill on a hated politician - there's no plan (or intent) to actually do it. Over time, however, if a group of like-minded bigots regularly get together, eventually they may well start plotting such. Many such groups won't actually intend to execute their plan (it's basically just an unhealthy fantasy), but unfortunately too many others will, and we've all seen or heard of some of the results.

Unless you're referring to something specific in the GURPS rules for Intolerance (GURPS Disadvantages are often fairly extreme cases), but I don't recall reading anything like that in it.
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