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Old 11-02-2020, 08:55 AM   #345
Join Date: Aug 2018
Default Re: Rules you ignore/alter.

Originally Posted by Anthony View Post
formalizes it so signature gear being overly efficient is true at all wealth levels.
I'll need to reread it a few times to gain full understanding, but didn't Impulse Buys' repricing of points-for-cash (I think 10% > 100% ?) also balance out SG's superior efficiency?

I like the idea of giving cash CP value (you can use it to buy traits after all, like a cybernetic arm or getting yourself out of debt) but it gets complicated when you time-travel between different TL which have different values for wealth in terms of "earned per month" or Starting Wealth.

The value of cash for gear is static (higher TL are just wealthier and have access to more expensive stuff) so maybe Wealth, rather than pricing the % of a TL's SW, could just have a $$ based cost?

Then there's weirdness where you might have a different wealth or status in different worlds / times with different identities. how do you manage that?

It almost seems easier to anchor different NPC allies to manage your status/finance and then just piggyback off them when you visit their era/world.
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