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Old 04-26-2019, 08:52 AM   #58
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Default Re: Holy Cross Commandos or Commandos of the Southern Cross?

Originally Posted by Icelander View Post
I'm wondering about the difference between 'Cruzeiro' and 'Cruz'. Both seem to mean 'cross', but what is the different connotation, if any, of 'cruzeiro'?

Also, in the order of chivalry, the 'Ordem Nacional do Cruzeiro do Sul', 'do' is used in both places. Does this mean that if I want to call the ABIN-faction hunters Commandos of the Southern Cross, I should refer to them as 'Comando do Cruzeiro do Sul'?

Or does it better convey the sense of a hybrid between a military command /commando outfit and a religious order if I use 'Comando da Cruzeiro do Sul'?

On that general theme, which of the following titles sounds best for the semi-official nickname of the elite small group of monster hunting ABIN operatives who work closely with Vatican occult intelligence?
  • Comando da Santa Cruz.
  • Comando do Cruzeiro do Sul.
  • Comando da Cruzeiro do Sul.
  • Comando da Cruz.

Feel free to suggest grammatical improvements, variations or entirely new names that suggest a religious alignment mixed with either modern covert operations and special operations forces and/or criminal networks.

This should not be an official cover name, but rather what insiders and those who wish to seem like insiders use to refer to it in unofficial conversations, because the cover names change much faster than the occult underground can keep up, but rumours about Brazilian commandos who fight a religious war against supernatural evil are endemic among rogue occultists and criminal magicians in the Latin America of the setting.
first the explanation about the DE DO DA.

DE have more than one meaning depending on the context. DO e DA is a contraction of DE O and DE A (Comando DE A Santa Cruz, but it is grammatically incorrect). you use A or O based on the "gender" of the word. A for feminine and O for masculine. Cruz is feminine in Portuguese, so A Cruz, Da cruz.

It can get confuse, earlier I said that you can write Comando DO santa cruz, and it is correct but get you another meaning. this specific case is because you are not using a word that can be there. like
Comando do Bairro Santa Cruz, or Comando do Lugar Santa cruz (bairro=neighborhood, lugar=place, both masculine) you suppress the word that give you the idea of a place, but the DO stay there.

cruzeiro is masculine so use O and DO. Cruzeiro has a lot of meanings and is rare to use it meaning a cross. Cruzeiro do Sul in the other hand is a famous constelation used to guide your navigation in the south hemisphere (like the polar star in the north). It sounds Brazilian like, but not church related.

about other names, here people like Saints a lot. Comando do São Jorge is a good possibility, but I don't know other warriors saints.

you can use the Holy Marie variations people here like, but Comando is not appropriate.
Protetores DE Maria Aparecida.
Legião de Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora

change the Maria and Nossa Senhora as you wish. in this case I would use DE instead of DA, but DA is also correct
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