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Old 11-18-2014, 09:18 PM   #14
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Sydney
Default Re: Dracula Dosier Kickstarter

Originally Posted by Crakkerjakk View Post
Gurpsifying it would be relatively straightforward. Use the Action rules, include a bit of Social Engineering for some of the Asset handling stuff if your game features that, maybe introduce some new mechanics that mirror Network/Cover. Change wealth rules to work as Preparedness, or just use gizmo. Steal monster stats from Horror.

Conspiramids and Vampyramids can be imported directly. Give extra rerolls per adventure for filling out adversary maps, or reduce BAD.

Anyway, it's what I'm probably going to do with it.
I more or less agree with you. I would probably put the PCs point value at between Action and MH, probably 250 + all the extra advantages as plot points or whatever.

I think its a little like the diferences between D&D and DF. Directly copying D&D would be a nightmare in GURPS. DF has all sorts of differences just because if you kept changing it to be D&D then it wouldnt be DF.

NBA to Action is more or less the same. I think lethality would be a substantial difference a 50 cal rifle in NBA or an explosion is not all that much more than a hand gun. In GURPS you need reasons NOT to use bigger guns.

One thing I would say is to use half damage of firearms and add a (2) armor divisor. You can probaly use a similar mechanic for explosions. That makes it more attractive to have close in fights/action rather than each side just escalating to booby traps and long range ambushes.
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