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Old 03-27-2016, 11:21 PM   #5
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Location: Australia WA
Default Re: [Sorcery, MH 5] Hacking Reality as Sorcery

Hehe, my sister came up with a similar concept called "Glitchcraft".

I've never really seen any other Magic as Powers systems aside from Sorcery, however based on it's theming, you will want to be careful of some kinds of Limitations, since I think that programming something to be more specific is usually harder than more general (I'm not really a programmer so I'm just working of the limited stuff I do know/guess).

As for making it feel right, all you really need to do is build the Advantages that way. For example say an Affliction that grants Basic Speed that works by tweaking their "movement values". Most of it is just changing the fluff of the spells, and building them to fit your needs. Since Sorcery doesn't have that much spells written up yet anyway, you would have to build up most of your own spells in the first place.
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