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Old 07-21-2017, 12:17 PM   #7
Kelly Pedersen
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Default Re: [Sorcery] Doctor Strange (2017 movie) Mystic Arts

Originally Posted by Seneschal View Post
However, during the New York Sanctum battle, just as the Zealots are about to destroy it with their big fireball, Strange kinda... drops the portal onto them. They don't even notice he's doing it (and they aren't moving, like at the beginning of the movie when the Ancient One opens a portal in front of them and they just run into it as it's hard to spot). I suppose something like Drifting could cover being able to move the portal after you Tunnel it, possibly engulfing people who don't move out of the way. But there has to be some way to make the effect resistable, absolute effects are very un-GURPS.
Drifting is how I'd do it, combined with Low Signature to make it hard to spot.

I don't think you need a resistance roll on this. While GURPS does generally shy away from completely absolute "I win" effects, the ability to resist can be made very difficult, or require special gifts. Consider, for example, an Innate Attack with a bunch of Area of Effect, Cosmic, No Die Roll Required, and No Signature. As long as that's within range, I can basically drop it on someone, with no chance of error, and the only way they'd have to defend would be to have the ability to see invisible or foresee the future, and have special abilities like absurdly high Move or Warp with the Blink enhancement, to carry them out of the danger zone. I see something like this, an invisible Tunnel to another world that you can move onto people, as something similar - if they have the right abilities, they can spot and avoid it, but it's not something just any character can do.
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