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Old 03-09-2014, 10:27 PM   #857
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Nova Albion
Default Re: Memorable Quotes.

We're in a Mage game, Traditions-side. One of the party members has just finished making an AI that taps into traffic cameras, because we want to know what the Technocracy is up to.

"Yes, I did just give it a command in MySQL."
"Well, apparently if you have a trinary computer, you can write an AI in SQL."
"It's just a case of letting SQL return 'Well, maybe it's there.' Which apparently it can do on a trinary computer."
"Trust me, SQL can already return 'Well, maybe it's there.'"

The storm of hilarity continued for a full five minutes... par for the course when the game is entirely techies meeting on VOIP.

All names in this excerpt are character names. Charles has a 5-point Enemy disadvantage, which essentially means that every vampire in Las Vegas is determined to snuff him, and a 5-point Sanctum advantage which means that so long as he doesn't leave his house, they can't find him. If he steps outside, though...
GM: "Uh, right now you only really have two characters that can fight, Marc and Jason."
P1: "Charles can fight!"
GM: "He's more of a tank."
P2: "And way too good at pulling aggro..."
P1: "Leroy!"
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