Thread: Corco's Villa
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Old 04-19-2021, 05:21 PM   #4
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Default Re: Corco's Villa (OOC)

Originally Posted by TGLS View Post
Some really good questions here.

Which magic system? (I had half a mind to phrase this as: "Which witch?")
This is probably the best one. The magic system is magic as powers. Thus the name "Power Set" for magic abilities, racial templates, and cinematic advantages.

So how minimal is minimal? 1/3 of what remains? Just one ability?
This is essentially a subject GM judgement. I suppose some examples are in order. If you play a cinematic western gunslinger who has gunslinger and maybe a few other upgrades in their power slot, that's considered minimal, and gets the full 50 extra points. If you play a crusty dwarf gadgeteer who makes other people's machines work, that's less minimal, but still worth 40 extra points. If you play a vampire with just the template from the basic set, that's minimalish, and you get 30 extra points.

So no power skills? (i.e. the skills in Psionic Powers) No spells either?
Great question. Power skills wouldn't be considered part of the power set, you'd need to buy them. And you will probably be able to do more if you do. We aren't using a spells as skills magic system. I haven't decided about chi skills or enthrallment skills, but I should probably warn you off them.

Are we basically buying X languages at whichever comprehension level or should we coordinate which languages are bought?
Yes, you're basically buying X languages. Don't feel the need to make the crusty dwarf and the vampire speak the same language.

How important is operating at a different TL? i.e. Should we bother taking skills at multiple tech levels?
That's a great question. No, we'll intentionally be downplaying those differences. We'll say that until you spend a few hours figuring out the local tech you've got a familiarity penalty of -2 or -3, but after that you'll figure things right out. This will even apply to things like using a laser riffle when you're accustomed to muskets. but this will only apply when adapting to a new world (so you don't carry the laser musket with you)

Is taking lower than baseline TL an advisable disadvantage?
Its considered to be part of the power set, and is part of whether the set is considered minimal or not.

Are there any points for flavor skills and such?
you know me well! If you flag them as such, go ahead and take 10 points for flavor skills.

Are social dis/advantages relevant?
Not really. If you want to be able to pass as a King, take kingly skills, and if you want to actually be a king, we'll account for that in the power set... and even then it will be basically free.

Is cultural familiarity being used?
That's a great question. I suppose the answer here is that you won't be penalized for missing them, but that you can claim bonuses for having a relevant one, as long as you aren't buying 20 of them.

Should we include a load-out?
Just a simple basic one. Usual weapons, any signature gear or things you will never be without.

Is stacking the power set with meta-game advantages (i.e. Luck) allowed?
Yes, that's a valid power concept.

Are wildcard skills allowed?
Yes, unless you spam them at the [3] point level.
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