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Old 05-20-2014, 02:06 PM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2013
Default Re: New Disadvantage: Fascination

Originally Posted by Anders View Post
You are fascinated by something - fire, a melody, a smell or something else. When confronted with the subject of your fascination, you will stand still and just watch (or listen, etc.) it. Treat this as being Dazed (p.B428), although you get a self-control roll to avoid this. You are incapacitated for 1d minutes unless you are attacked, slapped, etc. Once you've woken up you are immune to your fascination for 10 minutes.

Base value is as follows:
Rare: -15 points
Occasional: -30 points
Common: -45 points

This may seems like an excess, but in combat it is equivalent to everyone getting to make a Targeted All-Out Attack on you.

It's equivalent to one combatant getting to make a Telegraphic All-Out Attack on you... if one of your buddies doesn't shake you first. I'd be tempted to use the same price as an appropriate Phobia, including suffering penalties while near the object of your fascination, but instead of making a roll on the Fright table you are simply dazed (or better yet, if you have an Awe equivalent of the Fright table, roll on that instead).
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