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Old 06-28-2019, 02:07 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2018
Default IQ to power spells

Originally Posted by Shoug View Post
I've been toying with the idea of IQ fatigue as a way of handling this type of thing. IQ fatigue would recover as normal fatigue, but it will only recover while you are completely healthy, so it's definitely harder to recover than strength. It also renders your high IQ spells inert to be IQ fatigued below their requirements.

To combine your idea with mine, "double learning" a spell would allow you to fatigue your IQ as a way of powering that spell. You would be called a "Savant" in that spell. Triple learning a spell implies a sorcerous or demonic bloodline, and allows you to to power that spell with IQ fatigue at double efficiency.

I feel like this probably a fair mechanic as it is functionally identical to a powered down version of a Mana stat based on IQ. Instead of annihilating the normal way wizards work, it gives you expanded options.
This is a neat idea -- I like how it allows for specialization. It makes wizards much less generic. It could be that double or triple learning ought to cost more than just 1 talent point each because wizards tend to specialize anyway and would probably end up getting a much better XP deal with this system since it makes your full IQ or twice your full IQ available at the cost of one or two more talent points. Btw, this reminds me of how, in the original GURPS fantasy, you could pump XP into a spell to reduce its cost. We called wizards who did that "savants" back when GURPS first came out.

If you want to move towards parity with the mana staff mechanic, here are some tweaks to the idea that might help with that...

1: Make two new talents with the same IQ levels as staff II and staff V
2: Make it cost 5 ST to regain 1 IQ fatigue instead of letting IQ recharge at the normal rate when you're fully healed
3: Make the second talent provide a 3rd bank of power you can use for thrice-learned spells (in my opinion, this is cleaner with the 5 ST-recharge idea 1/2 cost is)

IQ 11: Channel Power (1) A wizard who knows this talent gains a second fatigue reserve equal to their IQ that they can only use with spells they learn a "second time". Spending 5 ST fatigue will replace 1 point of reserve power. Only wizards can learn this talent and it costs only 1 IQ point (or 500 XP) for a wizard.

IQ 17: Channel Sorcerous Power (1) A wizard who knows this talent gains a third fatigue reserve equal to their IQ that they can only use with spells they learn a "third time". Spending 5 ST fatigue will replace 1 point of reserve power. Only wizards can learn this talent and it costs only 1 IQ point (or 500 XP) for a wizard.
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