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Old 03-09-2018, 09:48 AM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2012
Default Re: [Banestorm] Fleshing-out the Armsmen's Guild

So I had forgotten that you are only supposed to take the Vow disadvantage if it is a vow that you intend to keep. I had thought it represents a constraint that would result in consequences if it was broken. Is there a disadvantage for an externally imposed code of behavior that has disadvantages if broken, but that does not have the frequency of appearance component of Duty? Or is that simply something handled in play? So if you belong to an organization that demands a certain code of behavior and you break it, there are possible consequences. These may result in losing advantages and gaining disadvantages, but belonging to such an organization is not a disadvantage in itself.

The reason I ask is that Social Engineering: Pulling Rank, pg. 7-8 says that Rank usually requires Duty or a different disadvantage like Code of Honor, Disciplines of Faith, Sense of Duty, or Vow, and that violating one of these has the same effect of violating Duty (loss of rank, discharge, loss of privilege, etc.). So I think that there should be some disadvantage requirement to go along with Armsmen's Guild Rank, but I do not think Duty fits. EDIT: The reason I think there should be a disadvantage is because the Guild Rank does restrain your options to some degree--you will have consequences for violating the rules if you are caught. This seems like a disadvantage worth points to me, but I could be wrong about that.

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