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Old 06-09-2021, 05:19 AM   #64
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Eastern Kentucky
Default Re: Skill Advancement

All this discussion about throttling super high skill/attribute levels brings to mind perhaps a difference in the GURPS world vs many other fantasy roleplaying games. The concept of zero to near-God is likely harder and to be honest in some cases that is a plus for me. I want to flatten both ends of the curve a bit and GURPS helps me do that. Still I think one of the fundamental things about RPGs that people like is the sense of advancement.

In my own mind, I keep wanting to create a table with levels that says -- at this level I expect PCs to have this many character points and this range of attack/defense skills. Naturally fighting types are better and other types would be lower but still within a range. This would help with building enemies etc... Such a table could be given to the players. Hey, I'm not forcing you to do anything but here are some guidelines and effectiveness that I may use when building encounters and setting difficulty.

So I'm not sure on the 67 point characters but I keep thinking 120 is a nice starting amount and then do 20 points per "level" afterwards. So at the end of the campaign you are at 500 which would be the equivalent of 20th level. Monsters will perhaps fight and defend with skills equivalent to Attribute + Level on average.
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