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Old 01-12-2012, 02:34 AM   #5
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Default Re: Help me Stat a complicated Possession Power

Originally Posted by Refplace View Post
Ranged is how I would do it. That lets you do it by touch or at range and maybe call it -20% still for only through Detect or touch. Should be cheaper since you cant do everyone in sight.
Multiplicative mods mess that up though...
I went a much more expensive route and added Malediction & Long-Range, partially because I don't want to have to worry about Cover, lighting, attack rolls, etc... the other reason is because as I think about it, it actually a very powerful ability when mixed with reflexive... on par with unkillable or Puppets=Extra Lives.

So that you cant fail if they are possessed you mean?
I would just add Reliable. But not that its easy to get the time bonuses :)
Also add Racial as a limitation for the same reasoning as you get to use Mindlink for Puppets. And Sense (Touch) is fine there too.
Reliable only goes so far, since contested rolls are limited by the Rule of 16. And the effect I'm going for is ONE Resistance roll to rule them all... in otherwords, One Resistance Rolls to affect with Possession/Mind Control/Illusion/any others I need... which I can do with RAW via Links. But if they've been made a puppet, they shouldn't even get that... which I can't figure out how to do via RAW. I think applying Cosmic Modifier(s) to Puppet might do the trick, perhaps one +50% modifier per extra ability it affects.


Also, while it seems I can omit Telesend & Mind Probe... and I will need Mind Control and Illusion... what about Mind Reading? I do want to be able to possess their senses without controlling their body (Which Selectivity might work), I do want to possess their body but allow them to have their senses (which Selectivity and/or Illusion should work).... but I also want to be able to read their thoughts. Should I have to get Mind Reading? Should I apply a Modifier to Possession? Or should Full-Memory Access plus Reflexive be enough?

Last edited by Trachmyr; 01-12-2012 at 03:02 AM.
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