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Old 10-27-2009, 07:09 PM   #36
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Default Elementals

Bits of the primordial aspects of nature sometimes break off and wander the world in purified, sentient form, or magicians will conjure and create elementals by distilling mana into one of its many, elemental states. Either way, the result are these capricious, strange creatures, more force of nature than genuine person. They generally resemble rough-hewn men, women or children constructed from their element. They concern themselves with guarding their element and... little else. Generally, if a delver encounters an elemental, it follows the commands of a mage.

Mages can summon elementals. The elementals here are derived from GURPS Magic. Even the “Example Monster” Elementals listed here can be summoned by mages, for the listed cost. Elementals don't need templates (indeed, they aren't summoned with any), but they lack skills, so certainly benefit from the inclusion of at least one. Generally, more powerful elementals take the Dire or Giant template (for +5 and +10 energy points, respectively)

Air Elemental (Generic Fodder)
This small sylph resembles either a legless, armless tornado, or it resembles a misty, feminine child with diffuse legs. A single blow never does more than 1 point of damage to the Air Elemental, and it can float on the wind.
ST: 6       HP: 8     Speed: 4
DX: 9       Will: 8   Move:  4/8*
IQ: 8       Per: 8
HT: 7       FP: 7     SM: -1
Dodge: 7   Parry: NA  DR:  0
Gusting Punch (9): 1d-5

Traits: Doesn't Breathe, Eat/Drink or Sleep; Flight (Lighter than Air), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), No Fine Manipulators, No Legs, Vulnerability (Vacuum, Wind-Based Attacks x2)

Skills: NA

Class: Elemental

Notes: Default Air Elemental summoned for 4 energy points. Willing to Negotiate.
Greater Air Elemental (Worthy)
The Greater Air Elemental is human sized and just as powerful. The Sylph has learned stealth, and lingers on the edges of mankind's world, watching carefully and slipping away when confronted. When she is forced to fight, her form clouds into a stormfront and she unleashes terrible winds and bolts of lightning.
ST: 10      HP: 10    Speed: 4.5
DX: 11      Will: 8   Move:  4/8*
IQ: 8       Per: 9
HT: 7       FP: 7     SM: +0
Dodge: 7   Parry: NA  DR:  0
Lightning Blast (13): 6d(2) Burning (Acc 3, 1/2D 10, Max 100, RoF 1)
Wind Blast (13): 3dx2 Knockback (Acc 3, 1/2D 10, Max 100, RoF 1)

Traits: Doesn't Breathe, Eat/Drink or Sleep; Flight (Lighter than Air), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), No Fine Manipulators, No Legs, Vulnerability (Vacuum, Wind-Based Attacks x2)

Special Powers: Storm Casting (Magical)

Skills: Stealth DX+2 [8]-13, Innate Attack (Projectile) DX+2[4]-13

Class: Elemental

Notes: Can be summoned for 20 energy points. Willing to negotiate. Often playful.
Earth Elemental (Generic Fodder)
Gnomes (no relation to dwarvish gnomes) resemble either a humanoid collection of rocks, or a stoney, rough-hewn statue of a fat little boy. They move slowly and strike hard, but are the dullest of the elementals.
ST: 11      HP: 13    Speed: 4.5
DX: 8       Will: 6   Move:  4
IQ: 6       Per: 6
HT: 10      FP: 10    SM: -1
Dodge: 7   Parry: 7   DR:  3
Punch (8): 1d-1

Traits: Doesn't Breathe, Eat/Drink or Sleep, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Homogenous), Striking Surface

Skills: NA

Class: Elemental

Notes: Default elemental. Can be summoned for 4 energy points. Willing to negotiate. Easily tricked. Takes half damage from piercing and impaling weapons.
Greater Earth Elemental (Worthy)
Greater Earth Elementals resemble giant men roughly hewn from stone. They can absorb enormous amounts of damage, but move very slowly and think just as slow. In battle, he wades through his foes, ignoring how their blades chip as his massive, stoney hide, and slamming his foes with power, uncoordinated attacks.

ST: 22      HP: 25    Speed: 4.75
DX: 8       Will: 6   Move:  4
IQ: 6       Per: 6
HT: 11      FP: 11    SM: +1
Dodge: 7   Parry: 9   DR:  5

Punch (11): 2d+1

Traits: Doesn't Breathe, Eat/Drink or Sleep, High Pain Threshold, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Homogeneous), Striking Surface

Skills: Brawl DX+3 [4]-11

Class: Elemental

Notes: Can be summoned for 20 energy points. Willing to negotiate. Easily tricked. Takes half damage from piercing and impaling weapons.
Fire Elemental (Generic Fodder)
Salamanders resemble mobile flames with arms and legs, burning lizards with molten red and black spotting, or gold and scarlet children whose form flickers and dance like a fire. Fire Elementals are fascinating to look at and appealing to the senses, but tend to cause a great deal of trouble in the short time of their existence.
ST: 7       HP: 10    Speed: 4
DX: 9       Will: 8   Move:  4
IQ: 8       Per: 8
HT: 7       FP: 7     SM: -1
Dodge: 7   Parry: NA  DR:  0
Burning Aura (9): 2d Burning, Aura, Melee
Burning Punch (9): 1d-4 crushing + 2d Burning

Traits: Charisma +1, Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Combustion), Doesn't Eat/Drink or Sleep, DR 10 (only vs Fire/Heat), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), No Fine Manipulators, Weakness (water, 1d/min)

Skills: NA

Class: Elemental

Notes: Default Elemental. Can be summoned for 4 energy points. Willing to negotiate.
Greater Fire Elemental (Worthy)
Greater Salamanders burn in tall, human-sized pillars, with their face bright inside the tongues of flame. They remain fascinating and warm, but now unleash devastating attacks on their foes. Touching one of the children of the inferno invites disaster.
ST: 14/16   HP: 14    Speed: 4.25
DX: 10      Will: 8   Move:  4
IQ: 8       Per: 8
HT: 7       FP: 7     SM: +0
Dodge: 7   Parry: 10  DR:  0
Burning Aura (16): 2d Burning, Aura, Melee
Burning Punch (16): 1d+2 crushing + 2d Burning
Burning Touch (16): 3d Burning + 2d burning follow-up and cyclical for 3 seconds. 3 uses per fight.

Traits: Charisma +1, Doesn't Breathe (Oxygen Combustion), Doesn't Eat/Drink or Sleep, DR 10 (only vs Fire/Heat), Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), No Fine Manipulators, Weakness (water, 1d/min)

Special Power: Burning Touch (Magical)

Skills: Brawl DX+6 [20]-16

Class: Elemental

Notes: Can be summoned for 20 energy points. Willing to negotiate.
Water Elemental (Generic Fodder)
Undines resembles either humanoid globs of water, or carefully shaped liquid children (often feminine). The can be hard to see, as they are transparent, and they can reshape themselves quickly to flow through small spaces.
ST: 7       HP: 7     Speed: 4
DX: 8       Will: 7   Move:  4
IQ: 7       Per: 7
HT: 8       FP: 8     SM: -1
Dodge: 7   Parry: NA  DR:  0
Water Slam (8): 1d-4 crushing

Traits: Amphibious, Chameleon 1, Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Sleep, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), Invertebrate, Slippery 5, Vulnerability (Dehydration)

Skills: NA

Class: Elemental

Notes: Default Elemental. Can be summoned for 4 energy points. Willing to negotiate.
Greater Water Elemental (Worthy)
Greater Undines resemble beautiful women with flowing hair of white, blue and green. Their transparent form catches and reflects the light, fascinating and hypnotizing those who watch the perfect grace of the greater Undine.
ST: 13      HP: 13    Speed: 4
DX: 8       Will: 9   Move:  4
IQ: 9       Per: 9
HT: 8       FP: 8     SM: +0
Dodge: 7   Parry: 9   DR:  0

Water Slam (11): 1d crushing

Traits: Amphibious, Awe, Beautiful (Universal +25%), Chameleon 1, Doesn't Breathe, Doesn't Sleep, Empathy, Immunity to Metabolic Hazards, Injury Tolerance (Diffuse), Invertebrate, Slippery 5, Vulnerability (Dehydration)

Skills: Brawl DX+3 [8]-11

Class: Elemental

Notes: Can be summoned for 20 energy points. Willing to negotiate.
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