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Old 12-12-2006, 12:56 PM   #9
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA
Default Re: Aura and Emanation

Originally Posted by zorg
The sole function of Emanation is that it takes your Area Attack and centers it on you.
And makes you immune to its effects, if they're harmful. Useful when you will always be Ground Zero. You don't gain any ability to use the attack without an attack maneuver, though.
Originally Posted by zorg
This attack can then be made continous with Always On.
From a PM conversation with Kromm (8/24/06):
Originally Posted by Kromm
Originally Posted by transmetahuman
Say you want to set up a PC with a continuous, harmful field around him, that's based on an advantage that's normally an instantaneous attack. Let's say, for example, a basic stunning Affliction; an ability that makes anyone within 4 yards of the guy roll each second vs. HT or be stunned.

Some people on the boards are assuming that you can just put Area Effect, Emanation, and Always On on the Affliction and go on your merry way. My take on it is that such an ability would need an Attack maneuver each turn to activate it, so you can't put Always On on it. Am I right?
That's correct.
Assuming I am, how would you go about making the field autonomous, so the PC can go about his other business at the same time? Can you combine Aura and Emanation? If so, does the combo require Melee Attack like Aura does, or does the Emanation part take care of that and disallow Melee Attack (overriding the injunction that you must take Melee Attack with Aura)?

Or am I off base, and you'd need some kind of Permanent Persistent Area Effect One-Use Emanation, or an even weirder Emanation + Compartmentalized Mind to fire it off every turn?
Powers states that an always-on damage field requires Aura (+80%), Always On (-40%), and Melee Attack (-30%). That's a range 0, "if I touch you or you touch me" type of thing. An actual radius would amount to adding Area Effect on top of it all. That might not be "canon," but it's logical and the simplest way to do it. So a 4-yard field would add Area Effect 2 (+100%) and the net modifier would be +110%. I don't see any conflicts: Aura covers the "free attack" effect, Always On addresses the "constant effect" angle, Melee Attack takes care of the "ground zero is at range zero" element, and Area Effect handles the "blankets an area" aspect. You can omit Always On -- for a net +150% -- if you want it to work like an ordinary Aura that you can switch on and off. The other aspects don't seem negotiable.
You need Aura to make an attack continuous ("hands-free", not requiring an action once it's turned on).

I'm not sure I like the idea of someone with Aura, Melee Attack, a large Area Effect, and Selective Area - insta-hit all enemies in range, without risking your friends. But that's more about my problems with the low cost of Selective Area, I guess.

Last edited by transmetahuman; 12-12-2006 at 01:56 PM.
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