Re: The GURPS Meta-Tech Examples Thread
Flashfire (TL3^)
Size: SM -6.
Type: Grenade.
Origin: Alchemical (-0.05 BCM).
Operating Skill: Throwing.
Cost: $7,790.
Weight: 0.8 lbs.
This grenade when thrown it shatters on striking DR 3+, such as armor (affects wearer), a shield (affects shield), or the ground (area effects, if any, only). Otherwise, the thrower must do enough damage equal to its HP+DR or it doesn’t break. It has the following statistics: Acc 3, Range ST ¥3.5, and Bulk -2. Victims take 3d(5) burning damage upon contact as well as anything they are wearing or carrying. The armor divisor only applies against unsealed armor, not force fields or similar fully contained protection but ignores any levels of hardened it might have. Damage continues for the next 3d seconds and anyone that comes into contact with the burning victim must make a DX roll with a penalty equal to one-third the damage done to the victim the previous second or be affected themselves! Damage treats the treat the flammability class (Making Things Burn, p. B433) of the victim as one step higher than it actually is! It cannot be put out by water or similar methods! It does come with a downside: every turn the liquid is exposed to air roll 3d: on a 9 or less it activates affecting whatever it currently touching or carrying it. Damaging the container does the same thing (it can be targeted normally at a -6 to rolls to hit for its size).
Meta-Tech Statistics (+$7,790; 205 points at $38/point): Burning Attack 3d (Area Effect, 1 yard, +25%; Armor Divisor (5) (Accessibility, Only against unsealed DR, -20%), +120%; Cosmic, Ignores Hardened DR (Accessibility, Only against unsealed DR, -20%), +40%; Cosmic, Lingering Effect, +100%; Cyclic, 3d one-second cycles, Sticky, +1,070%; Incendiary, +10%; Nuisance Effect, Combustible in air, -5%; Throwing Range, +5%) [205]. Has the One-Use modifier (x1/5).
Mundane Statistics (+$2, +0.8 lbs.): Small Bottle ($2, 0.5 lb.). Weight includes +0.3 lbs. from being a device without a mundane form. The bottle is just it’s container.
In a Dungeon Fantasy game this ought to be a common substance and thus worth $1,558. Artificers can create it with a Alchemy roll at -7 using a gizmo.