Contemplating doing a forum quest-style
Dungeon Fantasy game. For those not familiar with forum quests, here is the TVTropes
As in tabletop roleplaying, the protagonists are controlled by the players and the rest of the world is controlled by the Quest Master, but in a Quest there is usually only a single protagonist, with every player calling out potential actions. A "player" in this sense is simply anyone who visits the thread that the Quest is taking place in, with the playerbase as a whole collectively deciding the actions of their shared character. The QM has the liberty of interpreting these commands as they wish, whether they take the one with the most votes, combine every non-conflicting input, or use the one that they feel would best serve the story.
I have a write-up for an Innkeeper PC (
Dungeon Fantasy 10: Taverns) that I think could work well for this, among other things having enough silver to hire at least one henchperson (using the rules in
Dungeon Fantasy 15) from the get-go.
Is this something people would be interested in? And conditional on people being interested, where's the best place to run something like this? I believe on these forums, polls can only be included in the OP, whereas forums like Royal Road and Space Battles have better support for forum quests. OTOH running it here makes it easier for GURPS enthusiasts to stumble upon the thread, and there've been successful "vote up an X" threads here that have run a series of polls by just having people post which option(s) they prefer.
What do people think?