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Old 01-15-2023, 07:22 PM   #25
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saint Paul, MN
Default Re: #Dungeon23 Megadungeon Challenge

1/12 — Elemental Vortex (use Snow Day map)

Description: As one enters this portion of the cave, the cold remains sharp and the wind seems to suck down the wide passage. Faint flickering light emanates from around the corner to the north. The northern portion of the cave is about 15×20 yards. Snow fills the air and forms a bowl-shaped depression on the floor—deeper at the edges of the cave and descending toward the center. Bluish-white flashes of light emanate from beneath the snow at the center of the depression. If a PC spends some time examining the room, a successful Observation or Perception roll (at the current vision penalty) will reveal that the snow on the floor is slowly rotating and shifting, as if it is falling into a hole (see Zone of Attraction, below).
Vision: -6 (total darkness); max -3 with illumination (due to blowing snow)
Hearing: -3 (wind)
Exits: The entrance passage and an elemental portal (see Portal, below).

Portal: The flashing lights come from an elemental portal beneath the snow. Anyone who touches it is transported to the elemental plane of ice (sometimes known by other names, such as Frostfell or Niflheim). Whether one can easily return is left up to the GM, though it will certainly be challenging to escape the zone of attraction.

Zone of Attraction: The planar interface has created a zone of attraction around the portal that pulls matter toward it. The pull weakens with distance from the portal. In the hex with the portal, the zone pulls with ST 20. Its strength diminished by 1 for each hex (yard) away from it. Thus the attraction can barely be felt from 20 yards away but is difficult to resist as one gets closer to the center. Creatures can resist the pull with a Quick Contest of ST every second. Don’t bother rolling until the pull is at least half the character’s ST.

Example: Grükuk has ST 14. She can safely approach within 14 yards of the portal. If she approaches further, to 13 yards, she will roll a Quick Contest of ST every second between her ST 14 and the portal’s effective ST 7. With each additional yard that she approaches, the portal’s ST will go up by one and she will need to roll again.
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