Re: [Space] [Racial Templates] Really Alien Aliens
This thread looks pretty well wrapped up, so I’m going to put (tentatively) final versions of the five Quartet templates below, to complement the finalized Trinocs in the previous post:
Edit: I just amended this post to add “cannot hover” to the Triphibians, which I’d forgotten, and drop point cost accordingly.
Female Strider (105 points)
Attribute modifiers:
ST +10 (SM+1, -10%; temporary disadvantage: no fine manipulators, -30%) [60]
DX -1 [-20]
IQ +2 [40]
HT +2 [20]
Secondary Attribute Modifiers:
Size Modifier: +1
Basic Move +3 [+15]
Will +1 [+5]
Charisma +1 [+5]
DR 3 (tough skin, -40%) [+9]
Sharp Beak (can’t use when holding things in tongue, -50%; Armor Divisor 2, +50%) [+1]
Subsonic speech [+10]
Reputation: most powerful species in the galaxy (+3 with almost everyone, -4 with enemies of the Quartet, a large group) [0]
Bloodlust [-10]
Chummy [-5]
One Arm: Prehensile tongue (flexible, +50%) [-15]
Sense of Duty: herd [-5]
Pacifism: aggressive self-defense* [-5]
* You only fight to defend yourself and your people, but you have a broad definition of “self-defense.” You may preemptively attack any individual, group, or (in some cases) even species that has used deadly force against you and your people in the past, and you may use maximum force to end this perceived threat.
Common optional traits:
These traits are NOT part of the racial template but are included as suggestions for individual characters
Ally Group, Duty, & Sense of Duty: Herd [variable]
Code of Honor: Professional (various) [-5]
Fanaticism: Herd [-15]
High Pain Threshold [+10]
Honesty [-10]
Selfless [-5]
Truthfulness [-5]
New Talent: Strider Herd Traditions (+5/level): Administration, Diplomacy, Hiking, Leadership, Singing.
Male Strider (101 points)
Attribute Modifiers
ST +6 (SM+1, -10%, temporary disadvantage: no fine manipulators, -30%) [36]
IQ +2 [40]
HT +1 [10]
Secondary Attribute Modifiers:
Size Modifier: +1
Basic Move +3 [+15]
Will +1 [+5]
Charisma +2 [+10]
DR 3 (tough skin, -40%) [+9]
Sharp Beak (can’t use when holding things in tongue, -50%; Armor Divisor 2, +50%) [+1]
Subsonic speech [+10]
Reputation: most powerful species in the galaxy (+3 with almost everyone, -4 with enemies of the Quartet, a large group) [0]
Chummy (-5)
One Arm: Prehensile tongue (flexible, +50%) [-15]
Pacifism: self-defense only [-15]
Common optional traits:
These traits are NOT part of the racial template but are included as suggestions for individual characters
Patron & Duty: friendly herd [variable]
Additional Charisma [+5/level]
Cultural adaptability: xeno-adaptability [+20]
Empathy [5 or 15]
Language Talent [10]
Social chameleon [+5]
Talent: Alien Friend [+5/level]
Talent: Strider Herd Traditions [+5/level]
Talent: Smooth Operator [+15/level]
Code of Honor: professional diplomat [-5]
Curious [-5]
Xenophilia [-10]
New Talent: Strider Herd Traditions (+5/level): Administration, Diplomacy, Hiking, Leadership, Singing.
Armstrongs (62 points)
Attribute Modifiers: none
Secondary Attribute Modifiers:
Basic Speed +0.75 [15]
Basic Move -2 [-10]
Perception +2 [10]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Extra Legs: four-legged [+5]
Fearless +2 [+4]
Injury Tolerance: No neck [+5]
Sharp Claws [+5]
Silence +1 [+5]
Fur [+1]
Extensible ambush arm: Arm Strength +3 (one arm) [+8]; Long x3 [+30]
Reputation: Quartet members (+2, almost everyone; -3 with Quartet enemies, a large group) [0]
Cannot kick (all four legs) [-7]
Sense of Duty: pack [-5]
Sleepy (1/2 the time): [-8]
Shyness (mild) [-5]
Truthfulness [-5]
Quirk: Catnap anywhere, anytime (-1)
Common optional traits:
These traits are NOT part of the racial template but are included as suggestions for individual characters
Ally Group, Duty, & Sense of Duty: Herd [variable]
Code of Honor: Professional (various) [-5]
Acute Senses [+2/level/sense] or Perception [5/level]
Danger Sense (+15)
Additional Fearlessness [+2/level]
Additional Arm Strength [+4/level]
Stubborn [-5]
New Talent: Armstrong Ambush Arts (+10/level): Brawling, Camouflage, Light Walk, Observation, Stealth, Tactics, Traps, Wrestling.
Sessiles (25 points)
Attribute Modifiers:
ST -3 [-30]
IQ +1 [20]
Secondary Attribute Modifiers:
Size Modifier +2 [+0]
Hit Points +5 [+10]
360 vision [+25]
Does Not Breathe: gills only [0]
Extra Arms x6 (flexible +50%, short -50%, only 3 can grapple any given target, -25%) [45]
Enhanced Tracking x1 [+5]
High Manual Dexterity +1 [+5]
Injury Tolerance: no head or neck [+12]
Pressure Support 1 [+5]
Single-minded [+5]
Reputation: Quartet members (+2, almost everyone; -3 with Quartet enemies, a large group) [0]
“Milk”: provides 8 meals/day for Triphibians or related animals* [+8]
Bad Sight: nearsighted [-25]
Increased Life Support x2: aquatic, filter feeder [-20]
Sessile (movable with great effort, -10%) [-40]
Arms (flexible +50%, short -50%) [0]
* Price based on Reduced Consumption advantage, since it replaces 1 meal/day for 8 Triphibian: That’s equal in effect to Reduced Consumption 1 for 8 characters, +16 points, -50% since only Triphibians and related species can benefit.
Common optional traits:
These traits are NOT part of the racial template but are included as suggestions for individual characters
Ally Group, Duty, & Sense of Duty: Herd [variable]
Code of Honor: Professional (various) [-5]
Compartmentalized Mind [+50/level]
Gadgeteer [+25 or +50 points]
Versatile [+5]
Combat Paralysis [-15]
Low Pain Threshold [-10]
Shyness [variable]
Versatile [5]
Triphibians (9 points)
Last edited by SydneyFreedberg; 08-12-2022 at 02:27 PM.
Reason: Added “cannot hover” to Triphibians