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Old 05-04-2022, 05:02 PM   #35
GCA Prime
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Portland, OR
Default Re: GURPS Character Assistant Updated to Version 5

I do release notes by the build over at my GCA5 blog while I work, so exactly what's new in this release is everything that was noted since the previous release.

However, these things are probably most relevant or important to folks:
  • shield items now calculate their block score (as charblockscore), so accessing that from sheets and exporters is much easier.
  • added the option to have your shield DB add to your active defense scores. (GCA by default does not, and you have to remember to add shield DB; with this option set, you instead need to subtract it when it doesn't apply.)
  • fixed an issue related to calculating things based off of ST values, when the character doesn't have a Striking ST.
  • updated some routines that draw the Protection graphic, so they're a better match with the one used in the Protection dialog.
  • Prerequisites that rely on groups of things should be properly checked more reliably.
  • fixed some things related to sizing in Windows 11
  • the default 'display name' of equipment items now includes modifiers, as all other trait types do.
Armin D. Sykes | Visit my GCA5 blog for updates and previews. | Get GURPS Character Assistant 5 now at Warehouse 23.
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