Originally Posted by Hide
As Pacifica shift closes to an end, she tells Nejora about a new chill-out place (Hua’s window). She tells her she would like to go there sometime around their off-hours, expressing her high expectations. During lunch Pacifica talks with her lunch-friends and checks whether or not they have collected any interesting rumors.
The roll for Nejora should be fast-talk. She is reluctantly willing to go to the window. She claims its because she has nowhere better to be.
The rumors are mostly repetitions of this:
On the morning of day 15 (the leading edge of the story, when Hua is released), Pacifica arrives at her duty station to find the entire area buzzing with rumors. Several arrests had been made, a man had been shot fleeing security, and they thought they might have a dreadstormer in custody. Maybe. Rumor had it two different firefights had occurred yesterday, and they caught someone trying to start a fire.
The news on this has slowly solidified. Six arrests were made, with at least one release. One arrest was two members of security, and they think they caught the arson. The suspicion is that there is a mind controller aboard.
BTW Erick, did somebody (lunch-friends) make suggestions to improve Pacifica’s plan? It’s the input for this post.
They came up with a secret code-word to indicate they thought a dreadstormer was around. They focused on what to do in the mess. The general procedure is to lure them into a room and bolt the door. Pacifica comes up with a scheme to wire the door to electrocute the dreadstormer. The group descends into fine details, like who should be the bait, who is the best electrician, and what do do if they run into a precog who can undo the trap. (The thought that they might be facing ergokinetics doesn't cross their minds)