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Old 06-01-2016, 06:59 PM   #109
Join Date: Jul 2014
Location: New Zealand.
Default Re: [ATE] Farming example

The low weight disposable ration system. A.K.A the Nanofarm.

Designed to be the ultimate in portable long lasting food the nanofarm resembles nothing more than a dark coloured piece of cardboard with easy to follow instructions printed on each side. Upon activation each unit begins to absorb water from it's environment, this moisture is used to germinate genetically engineered fungal spores. Single celled plants are awakened from stasis and more complex plant life begins to produce a fruiting body. Nanites tend and provide the fungi and plants with highly concentrated energy/food sources. In particularly dry or cold conditions it takes 24 hours for a nanofarm to convert itself into a ration pack, in better conditions a ration pack can be grown overnight. The food produced is relatively tasty, long lasting and nutritious. Adhesive tabs are located on the reverse side of the farms so that they can be attached to high points or backpacks so they can gain access to solar energy to improve their efficiency.
In dry environments water can be added manually.

Probably late TL 9 or 10 in gurps terms.
Weight would be the big saving, a semi - educated guess puts the weight at 2 days food to a pound of "farm" when first introduced and maybe doubling or more by the next TL

- a non disposable portable unit that acts as a condenser and incubator.
- emergency farm. Large sacks of mixed nanites and spores/seeds/hybernating plants that can be spread over soil to produce edible food quickly.
Waiting for inspiration to strike......
And spending too much time thinking about farming for RPGs
Contributor to Citadel at Nordvörn

Last edited by (E); 06-02-2016 at 04:47 AM.
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