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Old 04-06-2016, 05:33 PM   #876
Poonbahbah's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: in or about Tucson, Az
Default Re: [OCC] Lost in Dreams

It's my own fault, had to go and talk to the dragon, but I don't really like where Tereza has ended up. Being the one PC in an otherwise NPC party. It all seemed like a good idea at the time.

So I'm thinking maybe a new character. Got a thought for a businessman.

Alexander Green:
Player: Poonbahbah
Ht: 5’ 9”
Wt: 170 lbs
Size Modifier: 0
Age: 29
Point Total: 110 Breakdown: Attributes 20 Sec. Attr. 0 Lang/culture 15 Adv/perks 44 Disadv/quirks -25 Skill 55 unspent 1

ST: 10 [0]
DX: 10 [0]
IQ: 11 [20]
HT: 10 [0]

Secondary Attributes
HP: 10 [0]
Will: 11 [0]
Per: 11 [0]
FP: 10 [0]

Basic Lift: 20 lbs
Damage thrust: d-2, swing d
Basic Speed: 5.00 [0]
Move: 5 [0]

Social Background [15]
TL: 8
Status +2 [0]
Cultural Familiarity: Western
East [1]
Middle East [1]
Languages: English (Native/Native)
Arabic (Accented/None) [1]
Cantonese (Accented/None) [1]
French (Accented/None) [1]
German (Accented/None) [1]
Indonesian (Accented/None) [1]
Italian (Accented/None) [1]
Japanese (Accented/None) [1]
Korean (Accented/None) [1]
Mandarin (Accented/None) [1]
Portuguese (Accented/None) [1]
Russian (Accented/None) [1]
Spanish (Accented/None) [1]
Urdu (Accented/None) [1]

Advantages [54]
Language Talent [10]
Wealth (Multi 1 Ave*1000) [30] -60% Campaign
Independent Income (10%) [4] -60% Campaign

[0] campaign given
Luck (Game time) [15]
Serendipity [15]
Jumper [30] world, New worlds +50%, Naked -30%, Uncontrollable -10%, Unconscious only -20%, skill roll is dreaming, only when sleeping -20%, requires Immediate Preparation 1 hour -75%, cosmic +50%, Drift -15%
Magery 0 [5]
Talent 1 (gizmo power)[5]
Detect (supernatural phenomenon) [20]

Perks [0]

Disadvantages [-30]
Callous [-5]
Pacifism (Reluctant Killer) [-5]
Post Combat Shakes (12) [-5] After combat roll vs SC on failure roll on fright table with Margin of Failure as a modifier.
Slow Riser [-5] -2 on SC checks and -1 to effective IQ for 1 hour after waking up from sleep lasting an hour+

[0] campaign given
Weirdness Magnet [-15]
Dead Broke (Only after jumps -40%)[-15]

Quirks [-4]
Code of Honor (Gentlemanly Behavior) [-1]
Colorblindness (red/green) [-1]
Dislikes (Mess) [-1]
Proud [-1]
Minor Addiction (Coffee) [-1]

Skills [55]
Acting (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
-Intimidation Acting-3 [0]-8
Carousing (E) HT [1]-10
Computer Op. (E) IQ [1]-11
Diplomacy (H) IQ [4]-11
Driving (Auto) (A) DX-1 [1]-9
Fast Talk (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
-Fortune Telling Fast Talk-3 [0]-9
-Panhandling Fast Talk-2 [0]-10
First Aid (E) IQ [1]-11
Gesture (E) IQ [1]-11
Housekeeping (E) IQ [1]-11
Leadership (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Lip Reading (A) Per+1 [4]-12
Merchant (A) IQ+5 [20]-16 +1 to reaction rolls when buying or selling, +2 at skill 20+
-Accounting Merchant-5 [0]-11
-Administration Merchant-3 [0]-13
-Economics Merchant-6 [0]-10
-Finance Merchant-6 [0]-10
-Market Analysis Merchant-4 [0]-12
-Propaganda Merchant-5 [0]-11
Public Speaking (A) IQ+1 [4]-12
Research (A) IQ-1 [1]-10
Riding (Equine) (A) DX-1 [1]-9
Savoir Faire (High Society) (E) IQ+1 [2]-12
-Savoir Faire (Servant) HS-2 [0]-10
Swimming (E) HT [1]-10

[0]Campaign Given
Animal Handling (Equine) (A) IQ-1 [1]-9
Dancing (A) DX-1 [1]-9
Erotic Art (A) DX-1 [1]-9
Games (Chess) (E) IQ [1]-11
Games (Go) (E) IQ [1]-11
Games (Mah Jongg) (A) IQ [1]-11
Games (Mancala) (E) IQ [1]-11
Gardening (E) IQ [1]-11
Law (International Business of his world) (H) IQ-2 [1]-9
Piloting (light Aircraft) (A) DX-1 [1]-9


Combat Load:

Travel Load:

Encumbrance:Combat load - x lbs (none -0 move)

Travel Load - x lbs (none -0 move)


Parry () –

Back Story:
A successful businessman.

Caucasian, brown hair, green eyes, light tan.

So let me know what you think.

Deuteranomaly: In males with deuteranomaly, the green cone photopigment is abnormal. Yellow and green appear redder and it is difficult to tell violet from blue. This condition is mild and doesn’t interfere with daily living. Deuteranomaly is the most common form of color blindness and is an X-linked disorder affecting 5 percent of*males.

From here
TJ, O, J, Alex

Last edited by Poonbahbah; 04-08-2016 at 01:36 PM.
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