Billionaire Bruce Wayne's parents were gunned down when he was 8 years old. Since then, he's turned himself into a human weapon against crime.
Name: Bruce Wayne AKA Batman
Attributes [420]
ST 17 [70]
DX 17 [140]
IQ 18 [160]
HT 15 [50]
HP 17
Will 18
Per 18
FP 15
Basic Lift 58
Damage 2d-1/3d+1
Basic Speed 8
Basic Move 8
Ground Move 8
Water Move 1
Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities: Western (Native) [0].
Languages: Chinese (Broken) [2]; English (Native) [0]; French (Accented) [4]; Japanese (Native) [6]; Russian (Accented) [4]; Spanish (Accented) [4].
Advantages [551]
Ally (Alfred) (20% of starting points) (Cost; 15 or less) [3]
Ally (Batgirl) (50% of starting points) (6 or less) [1]
Ally (Commissioner James Gordon) (25% of starting points) (9 or less) [1]
Ally (Nightwing) (75% of starting points) (6 or less) [2]
Ally (Robin, Boy Wonder) (50% of starting points) (9 or less) [2]
Appearance (Very Handsome) [16]
Combat Reflexes [15]
Contact (Oracle) (Effective Skill 21) (9 or less; Completely Reliable) [12]
Corporate Rank (5) [25]
Damage Resistance (Body Armor) (10) (Flexible; Gadget/Can Be Stolen: Must be forcefully removed; Limited (Physical Attacks)) [25]
Damage Resistance (Trained) (1) (Tough Skin) [3]
Detective Talent (4) [40]
Flexibility [5]
Gadgeteer [25]
Gizmo (3) [15]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Less Sleep (2) [4]
Modular Abilities (Cosmic Power) (Gadget Pool, 8 hours to reconfigure; Per point of abilities (+36); Physical Only) [72]
Reputation (Billionaire Playboy/Philanthropist) (2) (10 or less; Almost everyone) [5]
Reputation (As Batman) (Worlds Greatest Detective and Feared Vigilante) (4) (10 or less; Almost everyone) [10]
Single-Minded [5]
Status (+6) [5]
includes: +3 from 'Wealth', +2 from 'Corporate Rank'
Striking ST (Trained) (2) [10]
Trained By A Master [30]
Very Fit [15]
Very Rapid Healing [15]
Visualization [10]
Wealth (Multimillionaire 4) [150]
Perks [10]
Base (Batcave) [1]
Climbing Line [1]
Cloaked [1]
Intimidating Pose [1]
Style Familiarity (Dragon Kung Fu) [1]
Style Familiarity (Kenjutsu) [1]
Style Familiarity (Shurikenjutsu) [1]
Style Familiarity (Taijutsu) [1]
Style Familiarity (Trained by Batman) [1]
Technique Adaptation (Can Disarm with Shuriken) [1]
Disadvantages [-101]
Dependent (Alfred) (No more than 15%) (6 or less; Friend) [-6]
Dependent (Batgirl) (No more than 50%) (6 or less; Friend) [-2]
Dependent (Nightwing) (No more than 75%) (6 or less; Friend) [-1]
Dependent (Robin) (No more than 50%) (6 or less; Friend) [-2]
Enemy (Rogues Gallery) (Less powerful than the PC) (12 or less; Hunter) [-10]
Intolerance (Criminals) (One group) [-5]
Obsession (Fight Crime) (Long-Term Goal) (9 or less) [-15]
Pacifism (Cannot Kill) [-15]
Secret Identity (Imprisonment or Exile) (Status 3+) [-30]
Sense of Duty (The People of Gotham) (Large Group) [-10]
Vow (Never Use Firearms) (Minor) [-5]
Quirks [-3]
Drinks Ginger Ale from Champagne Glasses [-1]
Hates Guns [-1]
Personality Change (Grim and serious in Batman Persona) [-1]
Packages [0]
Kenjutsu (Martial Arts) [0]
Shurikenjutsu (Martial Arts) [0]
Taijutsu (Martial Arts) [0]
Skills [218]
Acrobatics DX/H - DX+0 17 [4]
Acting IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Administration IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Area Knowledge (Gotham City) IQ/E - IQ+1 19 [2]
Area Knowledge (World) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Armoury/TL8 (Body Armor) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Armoury/TL8 (Melee Weapons) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Attack from Above (Karate) Tech/A - 22 [2]
Autohypnosis Will/H - Will-1 17 [2]
Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ-3 15 [1]
Blind Fighting Per/VH - Per-2 16 [2]
Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Body Control HT/VH - HT-2 13 [2]
Breaking Blow IQ/H - IQ+0 18 [4]
Breath Control HT/H - HT+0 15 [4]
Broadsword DX/A - DX+0 17 [2]
Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Climbing DX/A - DX+3 20 [2]
includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Computer Hacking/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ-2 16 [2]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Criminology/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+5 23 [4]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Cryptography/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Current Affairs/TL8 (Business) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Current Affairs/TL8 (Science & Technology) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Detect Lies Per/H - Per+0 18 [4]
Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Disarming (Thrown Weapon (Shuriken)) Tech/H - 22 [3]
Disguise/TL8 (Human) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ+3 21 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Surveillance) IQ/A - IQ+3 21 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Surveillance) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Electronics) IQ/H - IQ-1 17 [2]
Engineer/TL8 (Materials) IQ/H - IQ-1 17 [2]
Escape DX/H - DX+1 18 [1]
includes: +3 from 'Flexibility'
Expert Skill (Computer Security) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Expert Skill (Hoplology) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Fast-Draw (Shuriken) DX/E - DX+1 18 [1]
includes: +1 from 'Combat Reflexes'
Finance IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
First Aid/TL8 (Human) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Forced Entry DX/E - DX+0 17 [1]
Forensics/TL8 IQ/H - IQ+4 22 [4]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Holdout IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Hypnotism (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Interrogation IQ/A - IQ+3 21 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Intimidation Will/A - Will+1 19 [4]
Invisibility Art IQ/VH - IQ-1 17 [4]
Judo DX/H - DX+5 22 [24]
Jumping DX/E - DX+0 17 [1]
Karate DX/H - DX+5 22 [24]
Kicking (Karate) Tech/H - 22 [3]
Law (local) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Lockpicking/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+0 18 [2]
Machinist/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Mechanic/TL8 (Aircraft) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Meditation Will/H - Will-2 16 [1]
Mental Strength Will/E - Will+0 18 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per+1 19 [4]
Occultism IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Parachuting/TL8 DX/E - DX+0 17 [1]
Physics/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ-3 15 [1]
Physiology/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Piloting/TL8 (Glider) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Piloting/TL8 (Helicopter) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Piloting/TL8 (High-Performance Airplane) DX/A - DX-1 16 [1]
Power Blow Will/H - Will+0 18 [4]
Pressure Points (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 16 [1]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+2 20 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Public Speaking IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ+4 22 [2]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Roll with Blow (Judo) Tech/H - 22 [3]
Running HT/A - HT-1 14 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Dojo) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E - IQ+0 18 [1]
Scuba/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Search Per/A - Per+4 22 [2]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Sensitivity Per/VH - Per+0 18 [8]
Shadowing IQ/A - IQ+3 21 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Skiing HT/H - HT-2 13 [1]
Sleight of Hand DX/H - DX-2 15 [1]
Speed-Reading IQ/A - IQ-1 17 [1]
Stealth DX/A - DX+3 20 [12]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ+3 21 [1]
includes: +4 from 'Detective Talent'
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 15 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ+0 18 [4]
Teaching IQ/A - IQ-5 13 [0]
Throwing DX/A - DX-3 14 [0]
Thrown Weapon (Shuriken) DX/E - DX+3 20 [8]
Tracking Per/A - Per-1 17 [1]
Two-Handed Sword DX/A - DX+0 17 [2]
Stats [420] Ads [551] Disads [-101] Quirks [-3] Skills [218] = Total [1095]
Notes for playing Batman:
Take note of this Gadget Pool--this enables him to have a gadget offering any physical advantage up to 36 points, or several smaller advantages adding up to 36 points. To switch which gadgets he has, he needs 8 hours in the Batcave.
Example of a common gadgets: Cape Glider: Fight (Gadget: Breakable (Size -2, Dr 10), Can Be Stolen (Forcibly Removed, Gliding, Winged)[8]. Electric Batarang (Burning Attack 3d (Follow-Up, Surge, Side-Effect:Seizure, Gadget Breakable DR16, Size -6, Can be stolen (Quick Contest) [36]