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Old 02-21-2015, 09:03 AM   #345
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Canada
Default Re: [Enhanced Senses] Illumination Levels (p. 13)

Wikipedia lists housecats as one of the domestic animals that are crepuscular, FWIW.

Also on the anecdote train: Cats do a lot of napping, like many pouncing predators, so it's hard to call them active during the day, but it's hard to call them not-active either.
We go to bed anywhere from a little after sunset (in the summer) to five or six hours after sunset (in the winter); the cats generally keep that part of our schedule.
Every cat I've owned generally gets more active when we're more active, then curls up to have a nap or zonk right out when we get less active (Watch TV, go to sleep, etc), but around 7 or 8 PM they get a case of the "Evening Crazies" and run around like there are ghost monsters everywhere.
Then every damn cat ever wakes up at 3 or 4 AM and is a pain in the ass until we get up hours later. If we're home during the day, they then tend to go back to napping around 10 AM again.

Which averages out to crepuscular, taking into account the fact that these are not strict definitions - crepuscular creatures can come out in the daytime, as can noctournal creatures. Diurnal creatures can come out at night. It's not like the biology police come after them if they misbehave.
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