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Old 02-11-2015, 01:43 PM   #2943
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Default Re: [IC] Worlds of Fire

Originally Posted by Ransom View Post
Since her efforts don't seem to be provoking any particularly exciting reactions, Codina decides to shift approaches. She begins following the person who is filing by date, and making repetitive, sing-song commentary.

"File the file in your filing style, then file down the aisles to the following file in the pile to be filed, and in a while in a hostile trial the files you filed in anger and bile will be worthwhile to stop- smile!"

[ooc] She's attempting the hypnotize the person. If successful she'll attempt a suggestion to get the person to adopt her own filing system. She's especially curious to see if the effect values discord, or is just haphazard about its operation.

Hypnosis-14 +- applicable modifiers, and Psychology-20 to analyze the outcome regardless of success. No idea if their already being influenced makes them more or less susceptible, but that in itself would be useful data to know.
[OOC: Okay... Modifiers. Normally a -5 for an unwilling subject (they're being polite and cooperating, but that doesn't mean that they'll go along with you being too weird). You're going for a confusion-type induction which would blunt that somewhat, but the time taken increases because you can't be direct to begin with. Existing influence effects are based on an Obsession, and you're not actually cancelling that, you're just channelling it, so minimal modifiers there. Basically, if you are willing to take a couple of minutes over it then you can bypass the -5 entirely (I'll go with this principle), and otherwise the modifiers somewhat even out.]

[Codina: Hypnosis (covert/ confusion induction: time taken 2-3 minutes) 14: 2+1+4 = 7 (success by 7)]
[Codina: Hypnosis (suggestion) 14: 4+4+1 = 9 (success by 5)]
[Codina: Psychology 20 (I've got 12+7 for Talker and Empath talents at present): 5+4+1 = 10 (success by 10)]

Codina's efforts are not wasted, though they do take slightly longer than might otherwise be hoped. The upshot however is that the person doing the filing finds that they want to change tact and do it the way that Codina has suggested.

Now for some reason, that seems to flare things up a bit more. Where before everyone was happily filing stuff to their different schemes, now one of them isn't running to the same script... Basically as each of the others notices the new system of filing they react as you would have expected them to normally: getting upset by someone wasting their time and filing things to a different system (they're not allowed to argue with you, otherwise that might have worked the first time around). This seems to jar them all somewhat and they notice that everyone has been using a different system to them. [Codina: HPA] Whatever influence there is about them flares up as their Obsessions set them at loggerheads, then crumbles when the argument gets going. They still have a kind of momentum though, meaning that though the Obsession has gone, the argument remains... You definitely got something's attention though. Couple more like that maybe?
"John Adams was a farmer. Abraham Lincoln was a small-town lawyer. Plato, Socrates were teachers. Jesus was a carpenter. To equate judgment and wisdom with occupation is at best... insulting."
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