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Old 01-30-2015, 04:11 AM   #71
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Default Re: (Unofficial) FAQ of the GURPS Fora

Q: Why are Evaluate and Telegraphic Attack non-stackable / non-cumulative with each other / mutually exlusive?

Originally Posted by Kromm
Originally Posted by vicky_molokh

I've seen this question come up before, and it's come up again. What is the official explanation(s) for why Evaluate and Telegraphic Attack are mutually exclusive?
Telegraphic Attack is about ignoring the opponent's precise actions and focusing on perfect execution, while Evaluate is about studying the opponent's actions to find the perfect opening.* It's hard to justify ignoring something while studying it, so we made the two mechanics exclusive on realism grounds.

* Originally, Evaluate was envisioned as -1 to target's defenses per turn, up to -3. Lots of playtesters disliked that. I still think that would've been a more logical take on "looking for an opening," but coming up with a melee equivalent to Aim won the day.
Q: Can I use Judo instead of DX for things like keeping balance, striking a DX-based (not skill-based!) attack etc.?

Originally Posted by Kromm
Originally Posted by vicky_molokh

Judo is listed as a skill that can replace DX in DX rolls in close combat. I've used to read that quite literally and without reservation - i.e. any action in close combat that calls for a DX roll to succeed one way or another (except equipment-drawing/dropping). Now I have doubts.
That is mostly correct. It covers DX rolls required by grappling, sure, and also DX rolls to keep your footing or for just about any other utility purpose in close combat. The line is drawn when strikes (punches, kicks, shoves, slams, etc.) or equipment (readying, dropping, or using) get involved. Under those circumstances, Judo cannot replace DX unless a specific rule says so. In particular, if a rule explicitly lists the allowed skills – like "DX or Sumo Wrestling," "DX, Brawling, or Sumo Wrestling," or "DX, Brawling, Sumo Wrestling, or Wrestling" – Judo works only if it's called out on the list. For lists of the basic attacks covered by each unarmed skill, see Offensive Techniques (Martial Arts, p. 90).
Vicky 'Molokh', GURPS FAQ and uFAQ Keeper
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