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Old 05-11-2014, 05:51 PM   #6
FJCestero's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2008
Default Re: All The World's Ogres: Amalgamated Combine Military Engineering

If the relationship between Missile Cells, Racks, Javelins, Scuds and Hong Jian, etc. isn't clear from the above tables, they are presented again, grouped for clarity.
║ MISSILES            ║ Code │ A/R │ DEF │ Cost │ Vol │  Status  │ Notes                                                   ║
║ Adv. Missile Cell   ║ MSL+ │ 6/6 │  D3 │  15  │  2  │ Official │ Cell. 1-Shot Rattler included. Range++. Ogre Mk-VII.    ║
║ Missile Cell        ║ MSL  │ 6/5 │  D3 │  12  │  2  │ Official │ Cell. 1-Shot Rattler included.                          ║
║ Armored Missile Cell║ MSLA │ 6/5 │  D4 │  14  │  2  │   ACME   │ Cell. 1-Shot Rattler included. Armor++.                 ║
║ Light Missile Cell  ║ MSLL │ 6/5 │  D2 │  10  │  2  │   ACME   │ Cell. 1-Shot Rattler included. Armor--.                 ║
║  >> Javelin(MSL)    ║      │ 4/7 │  -- │ (+3) │  -  │  MUPPET  │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in MSL/MSLA/MSLL. [1]   ║
║  >> Scud(MSL)       ║      │ 4/4 │  -- │ (-2) │  -  │   ACME   │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in MSL/MSLA/MSLL. [1]   ║
║ Missile Rack        ║  MR  │ -/- │  D4 │   9  │  4  │ Official │ Rack. Ammo costs extra.                                 ║
║ Heavy Missile Rack  ║  MRA │ -/- │  D5 │  13  │  5  │   ACME   │ Rack. Ammo costs extra. Armor++.                        ║
║ Light Missile Rack  ║  MRL │ -/- │  D3 │   7  │  3  │   ACME   │ Rack. Ammo costs extra. Armor--.                        ║
║  >> Rattler(MR)     ║      │ 6/5 │  D∞ │   5  │  1  │ Official │ Ammo for MR/MRA/MRL.                                    ║
║  >> Javelin(MR)     ║      │ 4/7 │  D∞ │ (+2) │  1  │  MUPPET  │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in MR/MRA/MRL. [1]      ║
║  >> Scud(MR)        ║      │ 4/4 │  D∞ │ (-1) │  1  │   ACME   │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in MR/MRA/MRL. [1]      ║
║ Scud Missile Cell   ║  SKL │ 4/4 │  D2 │   9  │ 1.5 │   ACME   │ Cell. 1-Shot Scud included.                             ║
║ Scud Missile Rack   ║  SKR │ -/- │  D3 │   6  │  3  │   ACME   │ Rack. Ammo costs extra.                                 ║
║  >> Scud(SKR)       ║      │ 4/4 │  D∞ │   4  │ 2/3 │   ACME   │ Ammo for SKR                                            ║
║ HongJian            ║  HJ  │ -/- │  D∞ │   3  │  1  │   ACME   │ Rack. Ammo costs extra. Chinese Hegemony [2]            ║
║  >> Rattler(HJ)     ║      │ 6/5 │  D1 │   8  │  2  │   ACME   │ Ammo for HJ. Individual cell, but has no Fi-Con.        ║
║  >> Javelin(HJ)     ║      │ 4/7 │  D1 │ (+2) │  2  │  MUPPET  │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in HJ. [1]              ║
║  >> Scud(HJ)        ║      │ 4/4 │  D1 │ (-1) │  2  │   ACME   │ Ammo. Rattler substitution cost in HJ. [1]              ║
[1] Javelins and Scuds are missile alternates for the Rattler, representing higher/lower technology. At design time, just assume full Rattler loadout. At scenario time, adjust scenario VPs for each Javeline/Scud substituted by value inside "()". Notice you can't substitute into the Advanced Missile System (MSL+), that would break the Javeline & Scud. Javelines and Rattlers don't fit in Scud Launch Cells and Racks.

[2] The Hong Jian system reverses the relation of Missile Racks and their inviolate Ammo. With the HJ it's the launchers (or their Fire-Control) that are "inviolate" and the missle cells that are exposed.

[3] OGRE mounted PDLs do not have the power to destroy armored vehicles, even CP/D0 level armor. They can only engage Cruise Missiles and Heavy Missiles (Rattlers/Javelins/Scuds) in flight.

[4] Turrets represent multiple fixed weapons with enourmous magazines. They can shoot during their turn and (once, multiple enemies means pick one) any attackers in range. Combat during opponents turn is considered simultaneous in result. IOW: mutual death is entirely possible.

[5] It's stock, so it's here but I'm still playing with it. Cost subject to change. Kind of assumes OGRE suicide under OGRE 8.05 is no longer "free".

[6] Between units. Units w/ multiple weapons can combine them: SuperHeavies and OGREs can combo on-mount guns & missiles, Infantry can combine up to platoons, but not w/ other units.

[7] Subtract 20% from weapon/equipment value in Step#1 (the tread/suspension cost remains the same). "Crewed" should be listed under Notes, not system list. Multiple 'D' results do not destroy the system, nor increase duration of disabled state. Disable always lasts one turn. Of course, in your next turn, before your target recovers, you can disable him again for another turn -- but that's a new disable result taking effect. What you can't do is score (say) three 'D' on one of your fire turns, and expect the target to remain out of action for three turns. In all cases, you still need a true 'X/XX' (or a 'D' scored during overrun) to destroy the weapon/system in question.

[8] Once per game round, a defending player after observing the result of one attack, may expend one Decoy in order to force a reroll of that attack on the CRT. The reroll result stands even if it is worse than the original, and the decoy is still expended. Multiple Decoys cannot be spent to force more rerolls of that or any other attack that turn or the turn of any other player that round. One attack, one Decoy, once per round. The sole exception are Overruns: one Decoy can be used once per Overrun combat (not phase) until only one side is left standing. Multiple players/multiple overruns, each may employ one Decoy, even those initiated by the player during his own move. Decoys do not count as weapons in overrun combat. Decoys do not work versus rams, falls, cruise-missile/nuke explosions, etc. Only weapon fire. Decoys do not work underwater. Decoys effects do not stack with ECM/Stealth, any Ogre equipped with both must choose (and announce) one or the other for that round. If anyone ever invents Area-Effect Stealth, it still won't stack with Decoys. Lower tech, the Decoy is a poor-man's Stealth designed to protect against a limited range of threats. If in doubt as to the rules, the answer is either "One" or "No".
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