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Old 05-04-2014, 09:12 AM   #3
zoncxs's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: earth....I think.
Default Re: Check rather than hurt [OOC]

Here is my sheet.

Shen Shanlin

Attributes (90)
ST 11 [10]
DX 13 [60]
IQ 10 [0]
HT 12 [20]

Secondary Attributes (10)
HP 11 [0]
Will 10 [0]
Per 12 [10]
FP 12 [0]

Basic Lift 24
Damage: 1d-1 / 1d + 1
Basic Speed 6.25
Basic Move 6

Ground Move 6
Water Move 1

Advantages (50)
Combat reflexes [15]
Fit [5]
Trained by a master [30]

Perks (1)
Rules exempt (disarm attempts are not at -2 for using a non fencing weapon) [1]

Disadvantages (-50/-65)
Discipline of faith (chi rituals) [-10]
Selfless (12) [-5]
Vow (Own no more than you can carry) [-10]
Vow (never use weapons [-15]
Wealth (struggling) [-10]
Sense of Duty (adventure companions) [-5]
Code of Honor (Xia) [-10]

Quirks (-5)
Imaginative [-1]
broad minded [-1]
Responsible [-1]
likes bread [-1]
Staid [-1]

Skill (39)

Primary skills:
Acrobatics DX/H DX+1 [8]
Judo DX/H DX+1 [8]
Karate DX/H DX+1 [8]

Secondary skills:
Breath Control HT/H HT-1 [2]
Jumping DX/A DX-1 [1]
Parry Missile Weapons, (H) DX-1 [2]

Background skills:
Climbing DX/A DX-1 [1]
First Aid/TL IQ/E IQ+0 [1]
Gesture IQ/E IQ+0 [1]
Hiking HT/A HT-1 [1]
Observation Per/A Per-1 [1]
Search Per/A Per-1 [1]
Scrounging Per/E Per+0 [1]
Stealth DX/A DX-1 [1]
Throwing DX/A DX-1 [1]
Tracking Per/A Per-1 [1]

Special skills: (10)
Kiai, (H) HT+1 [8]
Blind Fighting (VH) Per-2 [2]

Techniques: (20)
Disarming (H) judo+5 [6]
Evade (A) judo+5 [5]
Feint (H) judo+4 [5]
Sweep (H) judo+0 [4]

Basic Lift - Move - Dodge
None (0) = 1 x B.L. - 24lbs - BM x 1 = 6 - Dodge = 9
Light (1) = 2 x B.L. - 48lbs. - BM x 0.8 = 4 - Dodge - 1 = 8
Medium (2) = 3 x B.L. - 72lbs - BM x 0.6 = 3 - Dodge - 2 = 7
Heavy (3) = 6 x B.L. - 144lbs - BM x 0.4 = 2 - Dodge - 3 = 6
Ex-Hvy (4) = 10 x B.L. - 240lbs - BM x 0.2 = 1 - Dodge - 4 = 5

Backpack, small [Torso] Holds up to 40 lbs. of gear. $60, 3 lbs

Blanket[Backpack] $20, 4 lbs

Canteen [Torso] $10, 3 lbs

Personal Basics [Pouch] $5, 1 lb

Rations×12 [Backpack] $24, 6 lbs

Rope,3/8”(10yards) [Backpack] Supports 300lbs. $5, 1.5 lbs

Torch×2 [Backpack] $6, 2 lbs

Bandages [Backpack] Cloth bandages for a half-dozen wounds. $10, 1 lb

Pouch [Torso] holds up to 3 lbs of small items. $10, 0.2 lbs

Wineskin [Torso] holds up to 1 gallon of liquids. $10, 0.25 lbs

Total cost: $160
Total weight: 21.95 lbs


Reinforced hardened Leather of Quality, DR 3/4(cutting only), 1.875 lbs, $68.25, Ham fisted 2

Reinforced Layered Medium Leather, DR 3/4(cutting only), 8.125 lbs $68.75

Leather, DR 1*, $40, 1 lbs, +1 to stealth

Total cost: $177
Total weight: 11 lbs


Total cost: 0
Total weight: 0 lbs

Over all cost: $337
Over all weight: 32.95 lbs
Money on hand: $163

Last edited by zoncxs; 05-17-2014 at 11:10 AM.
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