Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: earth....I think.
Re: [OOC] Agents of SUPER: Y2K
ris Cassen joined the military at the age of 18, he trained as a ranger and served 2 tours before going home. Its been years now but he still remembers most of his training. He started to develop powers during his service, learning that the cold didn't bother him as much. He later learned he can make things or an area cold.
Total 150/150
Character stats (100)
Telepathy (8)
Cryokinesis (42)
Colt M4A1, 5.56x45mm
4d+2 pi, acc 4, 750yd/2,900yd, 7.3 lbs/1 lbs, RoF 15, Shots 30+1(3), ST 9†, Bulk -4, Rcl 2, $950/$34, has an accessory rail.
Beretta Mod 92, 9x19mm
2d+2 pi, acc 2, 160yd/1,800yd, 2.8 lbs/0.5 lbs, RoF 3, Shots 15+1(3), ST 9, Bulk -2, Rcl 2, $700/$273
Goggles, Tactical. Give Nictitating Membrane 5. $100, neg.
Combat Knife
sw-1 cut, range C-1, parry -1, 1 lbs, ST 6, Bulk -2, cost $40
or thr+1 imp, range C
Power Descriptions
mental shield protects from mental attacks and attempts to locate. Add Mind Shield level to Will (or appropriate other attribute) when resisting any form of mental attack or intrusion. In addition, may resist any attempts to locate your mind by using IQ plus your Mind Shield level. if you successfully resist intrusion, you are aware of it and you know specifically which ability you were just attacked with.
Statistics:Mind Shield (Profiling, +10%; psi, -10%) [4/level]
Cold Tolerance: makes you more comfortable in cold weather.
Statiatics: Temperature Tolerance (psi, -10%, cold) [0.9/level]
Ice shield: condenses the water in the air to form ice that slows down physical attacks, reducing damage.
Statiatics: DR 1 (Force Field, +20%; Limited, Physical, -20%; Psi, -10%; Requires IQ Roll, -10%) [4/level]*
Cold Zone: allows the lowering of the surrounding temperature by 2xlevel per second. Each level allows for 20° change in a 8 yard radius at any point you can see.
Statistics: Temperature Control 1 (Cold, -50%; area of effect, 8 yards, +100%; Increased Range, LOS, +70%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Requires Will Roll, -5%; Takes Long-Distance Modifiers, -5%) [10/level]
Frostbite: causes a single target to suffer cold burns.
Statistics: Burning Attack 1 point (Malediction 3, +200%; No Incendiary, -10%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Selective Effect, +20%; Variable, +5%) [1/level]*
Freezing: causes a single target to suffer the effects of cold weather.
Statistics: Fatigue Attack 1 point (Hazard, Freezing, +20%; Malediction 3, +200%; No Signature, +20%; Psychokinesis, -10%; Variable, +5%) [2/level]*.
* A.A. to cold zone.
Last edited by zoncxs; 04-21-2014 at 09:58 PM.